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  1. J

    Anyone ever home brew?

    Hopefully it'll be vitamin c from Japan. I hear it's better ha. Test e looks easier to brew up than fina. There's gotta be some catch.
  2. J


    I'm outside a lot that helps with my arms but I still get the break out on my head along my hair line. I'll try the acne med you said tho. I can't do lay down tanning beds either. To big and I sweat so freaking bad. That's right you're from Seattle... Do you wear girl jeans and flannel?
  3. J

    Starting hgh Monday. How much is 2 ui?

    I was thinking of the pen. I can always on my boy lil horn to line me out... But you lost me on that last part bro. 10 tic 2ui. Do I add 2cc of water to the hgh? How much will I end up with?
  4. J


    I don't really get it on my face... It's just super greasy. I shower twice a day use face wash. I'm getting break outs on my arms and along my hair line now tho. I can't stand it! What do y'all do to combat this this?
  5. J

    To squat or not to squat

    They cut a nerve when I had my knee replaced. So now when I thrust up on squats it sends a stinging shock down my shin. I still do em just not like I use too and my legs are completely different now than they were before my surgery. My upper thighs have a lot of mass but right above my knees is...
  6. J

    Its that time again!

    Looking good bro you're gunna kill it!
  7. J

    Dbol ?

    Im thinking about cruising for 6 weeks. Then starting test cyp, tren ace, eq, and dbol. I was thinking about waiting til week 10 to start the dbol and going for 6 weeks.
  8. J

    Anyone ever home brew?

    It almost seems to easy. I bet raw material slips thru customs easier too. I could save a shit load brewing my own test e and getting anadrol raw powder. It's just a thought. I'll have to research and study up before I go any further.
  9. J

    Starting hgh Monday. How much is 2 ui?

    I haven't done it yet. It says 20ui tho. Do I not need to put that much?
  10. J

    Starting hgh Monday. How much is 2 ui?

    I thought a skin pin was the one you dialed in and it dispensed set amount.
  11. J

    The importance of proper research

    It's crazy. I talk to these 18 19 yo kids that have no idea. They just wanna get big with out putting in the work. They'll listen to what some shady dealer tells them but they have no idea what they're getting in too.
  12. J

    Starting hgh Monday. How much is 2 ui?

    No just regular ole insulin stickers...
  13. J

    Starting hgh Monday. How much is 2 ui?

    On a .5 cc how much would it be? Like .2 of a cc? I feel stupid asking this.
  14. J

    Think The Rock is all natural??

    I looked at articles and pics. Some people say gyno some say fat either way he got something sucked out of em...
  15. J

    left out in heat !!!!

    It's prolly not any good. I'll pm you my address so I can dispose of it for ya.
  16. J

    Uncle Z apprantly busted! I have order pending

    Call me old school but I'd rather deal with some shady moron that thinks steroids are steroids face to face. That way if my shits bunk I know who's ass to whip.
  17. J

    Think The Rock is all natural??

    Didn't he have a pec reduction a few years back?
  18. J

    Tren Ace and Tren enanthate

    I say give it another year with supplements and proper dieting. At your size and age you have a lot of natural potential left. What's your diet look like now? What supplements are you taking? Your not overtraining are you? Do what you do bro just be careful and have a pct plan. At 20 shutting...
  19. J

    Did anyone else get a message from Tony?

    Oo ya I told him to send me some samples. Then I'd send the money if he was legit. It's only fair since he sought me out. He told he couldn't do that but he promises his products are most excellent....
  20. J

    Did anyone else get a message from Tony?

    I prolly do. I'll check and see. And NO lil horn momma didn't bust ole dad. He's way to good for that. Ha