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  1. kdog

    A tribute to fuck you's and fuck off's

    Fuck everybody that thinks they know what is like to be a BB. All the sacrifice and discipline... they have NO IDEA. Fuck those who judge without getting the full story. Fuck those with closed minds and those without patience. Fuck the fact that these days you are more likely to run across a...
  2. kdog

    First day of the rest of my life

    Sounds like you are getting your head on straight. That is the key to everything, not just BB and training, but life. If you give up a piece of yourself for someone else you are not giving them all you have to offer. Taking some time away from all the BS is tough to do sometimes, but usually...
  3. kdog

    Superbowl thread

    Yeah, brady and Co make me sick, but I think it would be pretty cool for a good guy like Junior Seau to finally win a ring... Some guys just deserve it...
  4. kdog

    My battle with Leukemia

    Unbelievable news bro!! My prayers will be with you in your recovery... keep fighting!! :thumbsup:
  5. kdog

    So much for Victor

    Dex has been very quiet lately... i will be interesting to see how he shows up...
  6. kdog

    So much for Victor

    that sucks... can I change my vote in the other post??? :rolleyes:
  7. kdog

    Phil Heath WTF???

    His arms have to have grown 6"!!! Unbelievable! With his shape and that size... man, he will be very hard to beat...
  8. kdog

    Positves and Negatives of DC training

    I am going to try to convince my partners to start with me next week too... BTW has anyone used this method for pre-contest???
  9. kdog

    Burning shot

    That sucks... Hope it doesn't get too tight on you... You can help resolve the bruise a little more quickly by applying a hot pad to it. It will increase the circulation to the area and help resolve the bruise... may help with pain/ swelling too....
  10. kdog

    Big Ronnie gets married

    Good for big ron... has he officially retired??
  11. kdog

    Who's gonna win the arnold?

    Jay was awesome at the "O", but vic has such good lines... just wish jay could take some off his waistline... I tend to like the classic look a bit more than the monster... Both are going to win ALOT of shows.... I think everbody else has a long way to go behind those two... Phil can do it...
  12. kdog

    Back in business

    It is a classic pic... but time for a change... at least temperary
  13. kdog

    losing BF and what needs to be done??

    Incline walking is great... I purchased a cheap ellipticle, so I use that now. Unfortunately, cardio can only take you so far. I found that diet makes the biggest difference for me. How is that looking???
  14. kdog

    Who's gonna win the arnold?

    Phil is huge, but Vic was ON for the "O"... Hard to unseat a reigning champt too...
  15. kdog

    Back in business

    Thanks guys... Good to see everybody!
  16. kdog

    DC Training Rocks!

    actually getting ready to try this method again... had good gains before... Looking forward to the mental challange...
  17. kdog

    Physique Bodywear

    congrats bro... got some good stuff on the site... :thumbsup:
  18. kdog

    Ive got the flu

    It has been bad this year... Its like everybody has been sick... and it sticks for weeks... I am still coughing from November... :drooling:
  19. kdog

    pics of my new basemement set up

    Unbelievable... Why would anybody have stuff out like that.... Its like they knew the bust was comin...
  20. kdog

    Back in business

    Hey fellas... been a while... Had a lot of shit go down over the last year. Did the caveman in July and got my national card... Pretty hyped about that... Still training hard, but work and home life have been a mother... I lost my way, but am ready to get back in the game. I need to in order...