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  1. Massive-E

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    Hi Plang, do you think this protocol could be utilised with long acting slin? Maybe bumping the administration times up by an hour or two before workout?
  2. Massive-E

    Pre workout insulin

    Hi Plang, do you think this protocol could be utilised with long acting slin? Maybe bumping the administration times up by an hour or two before workout?
  3. Massive-E

    Can I get anymore lucky than this!

    Aww man! Jelousey sets in ... sweet deal bro
  4. Massive-E

    Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

    Wow ACVR2B is expensive man, have found a place online thats selling it and its like $5000 for 1mg ... there is a bonus though ... for some reason they give away 16 x 5$ starbucks coffee cards with your purchase lol
  5. Massive-E

    mr synthol

    See genuinly this is what bothers me. I want to bring up my triceps as they are just one of those parts that are not responding, over the years i've been training they just havent grown. I dont want an easy way out, i just want a bit more size to them, but i REALLY dont want to end up looking...
  6. Massive-E

    Would you be seen with your wife?

    I'd love it if my wife would even step foot in a gym, i've even paid the joining fees for 6 months and she went all of 2 times. She hates it, which really depresses me as that means she totally doesnt get my way of life at all. I guess its because i wasnt a bodybuilder when she first met me...
  7. Massive-E

    Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

    You have no idea what i would do to get my hands on some of these things ... If your serious about knowing where to get a legit version, SOD THE COST (which you seem to be) oh man guinea pig me up bro!!!!
  8. Massive-E

    Im turning into a contest prep guy, aahhh!

    Well purely based on you display of knopwledge and your picture i'd certainly contract you in 2012 for my next show. Fancy preping someone in a different country if this all works out for ya :)
  9. Massive-E

    Pin yourself?

    I have always pinned myself, the strange thing is im an absolute wimp letting anyone else inject me .. doctor or anyone .. cant stand not being in control of it. There is only one guy i will ever let near me with a needle and thats my bodybuilding training partner, and only cause i trust him...
  10. Massive-E

    New Vid - MONSTERS !!!

    Wicked vid .. damn my genetics! (is that a good excuse anymore?)
  11. Massive-E

    IGF simple question

    I think im right in saying for MC's IGF anyway that it is 1000mcg in 1ml o Acetic Acid. So presuming you are using a 1ml insulin pin ... And if you wanted 50mcg dose ... 50mcg = 5iu or 3 ticks on the slin pin. It might seem a small amount but remember more is not alway better with these...
  12. Massive-E

    What size needles do you use?

    Out of interest, what size needles do you use? I ALWAYS use the same size pin to draw and to pin with. a Green 21G 1.5" pin is all i use for everywhere. Quads, Glutes, Delts, Bi's, Lats ... people think this is pretty strange but i find its harder to push the oil through a 23G. Am i...
  13. Massive-E

    reusing needles

    I use the same insulin pin once or twice i have to say, as they stay relatively sharp and its only subQ. I would never use the same pin more than once for AAS though, i alway draw with one and stick with a fresh one.
  14. Massive-E

    Melanotan II

    Anyone got the feed back on this question? just order it and am currently running IGF
  15. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Chest day was .... rubbish! Dont think i'll ever train in that gym again .. it was just so demotivating. Dumbell press .. Pressed out 67.5kg dumbells for 10 after working up from 45's Incline bench .. a rubbish 100kg for 8 after working up from 60. DB flyes .. not too bad, worked up from 15's...
  16. Massive-E

    How much water do you drink??

    Probably not enough, roughly a gallon or just under a day. Half a gallon of that is vitamin water (4 effervesent vitamin tablets dissolved)
  17. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Right so Monday this week was Legs night ... have been dreading this week as i've had to train at a gym where the atmosphere really isnt inspirational at all. Its just been closer than my normal due to family commitments, and my training partner is away all week :( Sadly going in with the...
  18. Massive-E

    Syntherol advice

    Have been thinking of running something like this myself to bring up my tri's a lot ... nothing grotesque like you sometimes see on you tube, but its one of the lacking parts i really want sorted. Havent done any research in to it yet, but its my b'day coming up so am thinking of taking their...
  19. Massive-E

    Anybody ever throw a 4 things in one bottle?

    <looks at="" the="" floor="" and="" shuffles="" away=""> {looks at floor and shuffles away} Err yeah ... i knew that :)</looks>
  20. Massive-E

    The Dude's low dose AAS, GH, and Peptide log

    Tell me about it man, i'm hungry ALL the time :) :lurk: