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    This oil spill keeps getting worse *video*

    i live in south LA and it has really messed up things here. Gotta love our government response time!!!!
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    too much sex??

    instant classic! almost fell out my fuckin chair. me and my fiance are about to get married, yea it gets boring sometimes because she only wants it certain ways because it hurts to much, fuck i cant help it, not tootin my horn, but maybe i want a grudge fuck every now and then.
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    lasix protcol

    if its the tablet, he can take 40mg, well i take 40mg of the liquid lasix that you give IV, its also safe to take it orally. 40mgs wont hurt him, if he starts to cramp tho, his potassium is low since it is not a potassium sparing diuretic. just tell him to watch out for the cramps, dysrhythmias...
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    Porcupine Meatballs

    my mom used to make these in a pressure pot/cooker, then she forgot that it was on the stove and BOOOOOM! meatballs all over the ceiling!!!
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    lean mass cycle

    ah thats an immediate negative. just did a cycle with prop last year, and the survey says.............FUCK THAT!!!!
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    lean mass cycle

    this is what the "create a cycle" that was posted awhile back had up, lol, just tweaked it a lil. call it whatever you want. So how would the sust sound?
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    Obama's Private Army Authorized in the Healthcare Bill

    i see another civil war brewing. stock up on ammo, dried foods and MRE's, because when the shit hits the fan, its gonna be everyone for themselves. i believe if it happens tho, texas, louisiana and prob MS and ALA will create their own area, hell texas has that in their agreement when they...
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    Need tattoo ideas

    dekote, is that a 101st tat on your arm?
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    lean mass cycle

    Test E 500mg 1-12 Eq 400mg 1-12 Dbol 30mg 1-6 Oxandralone 40mg 7-12 HCG and 20mg of Nolvadex ED 11-12 Clomid Therapy 14-16 What do you think if i substituted SUST in instead of the Test E? dont know much about sust thats why im asking?
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    Anyone know much about toridol

    toradol or "ketorolac" is usually used for mild pain or inflammation because it is considered a non narcotic. few people will feel nausea from it, "from what ive seen", but for muscle strains it usually does the trick. flexeril or norflex or some type of muscle relaxant will usually help with...
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    shirts get a soured smell?

    white vinegar. pour a cup of vinegar into your washer with your detergent and it knocks it out. thats what i do if my towels sit out too long and start to sour. Hope this helps
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    lean mass cycle

    well if i upped the dbol to 40mg for wks 1-4 and upped the test to 750mg and ran the var for wks 8-12. might run it for 16wks instead of 12. what do you think?
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    lean mass cycle

    Im looking for a lean mass cycle and this is what I have come up with and my current stats: Please critique 5'9 180 13%bf Test E 500mg 1-12 Eq 400mg 1-12 Dbol 30mg 1-6 Oxandralone 40mg 7-12 HCG and 20mg of Nolvadex ED 11-12 Clomid Therapy 14-16 guess i could always go up on the test to 750...
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    Where do you shop for your SUPPLEMENTS?

    i just type in search for a coupon for supp warehouse. usually gets a few bucks off for shipping
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    Where do you shop for your SUPPLEMENTS?

    supplement all prices guaranteed!
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    What the hell is foreplay??

    Thats fuckin Classic......LMFAO!!!!!
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    Saturday bros - to the gym

    i usually do cardio in AM 2x a week, then workout 3x in pm during week. then on w/e i do cardio in am on sat and sun, and wrkouts in the pm bothdays. I also get to hit the treadmill at work when its slow, so sometimes i get to do cardio 2x a day.
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    so pissed sometimes

    people talk shit all the time about the way i eat, i eat really clean 99% of the time. always in the kitchen shovin some veggies or chicken in my mouth. Ask the health nut or always wanting to talk dieting or lifting. Or why do you go to the gym 2 times a day, or who you tryin to impress...
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    Whats with hushmail??

    yea bro, they stop your acct if you dont log in atleast once every 3 wks, i've had to create another acct. w/ a diff name. Never froze up on me tho!
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    things not to do while on clen...

    Cmon, its just a lil 18ga! I usually start about 20-30 a night in the ER, guess i need to get somebody else to handle that when i hit 80-100mcgs.