lean mass cycle


New member
Im looking for a lean mass cycle and this is what I have come up with and my current stats: Please critique


Test E 500mg 1-12
Eq 400mg 1-12
Dbol 30mg 1-6
Oxandralone 40mg 7-12
HCG and 20mg of Nolvadex ED 11-12
Clomid Therapy 14-16

guess i could always go up on the test to 750. this is my 4th cycle
Looks fine to me. What's gonna dictate whether it's a "lean" mass cycle or not will be your diet. Keep that in check and you shouldn't ever get overly fat on any cycle. As for your PCT, there are always gonna be different schools of thought on it, but yours looks relatively standard. You should be good to go with this cycle.
I would hike up the test and only hit the var for 3 weeks after the last test shot cause I think 12wks of orals is alittle overkill.Or.... do the orals 4 on /4 off. That would be prett cool. Looks real nice though!
agree with dakote 4 on 4 off if you ask me 12 solid weeks on orals even though anavar is pretty mild is too much on the liver.
well if i upped the dbol to 40mg for wks 1-4 and upped the test to 750mg and ran the var for wks 8-12. might run it for 16wks instead of 12. what do you think?
I think that would be fine too personally. If you run the eq and you are like me, be ready for some hairloss. I have bp issues on eq so its not really an option. Eq and winny have made me lose the most hair but everyone is different. Good luck bro.
well if i upped the dbol to 40mg for wks 1-4 and upped the test to 750mg and ran the var for wks 8-12. might run it for 16wks instead of 12. what do you think?

Hells yeah, sounds awesome. If you can that 16wks then that would be pretty sweet.
Im looking for a lean mass cycle and this is what I have come up with and my current stats: Please critique


Test E 500mg 1-12
Eq 400mg 1-12
Dbol 30mg 1-6
Oxandralone 40mg 7-12
HCG and 20mg of Nolvadex ED 11-12
Clomid Therapy 14-16

guess i could always go up on the test to 750. this is my 4th cycle

1) Bring the test up to 600mg ( more is never better) I know alot of pros and worked with a few gurus in the business for contest prep...and the level of test that you guys use on this forum is for a pro that has been a pro for 5-10 years...
2) Eq is perfect as is.
3) Orals are not needed, the stress you put on your body is not worth what you get out of it.... if you want to run an oral the best is Anavar 8 weeks,,, since it is not toxic to the body. But of course always make sure to get your milk thistle and cranberrry extract. (take note, anavar will start working at full speed at the 2nd or 3rd week, so a 3 week run will do you no good.
4) Run a half of pill or Arimidex EOD (the whole run): some people will tell you wont make as many gains, but as they may not know you will shift the balance of muscle vs fat..by keeping the estrongen under control,, in turn changing the ratio that you currently have in the body...because if not the higher estrogen in your body will make you gain more body fat as you increase your lean muscle tissue.
5) there alot of way to run the PCT, but yours looks good enough.

The other advise,,,, due the run for 15-16 weeks because the test will not be 100% in your blood until the 3rd week, and same for the Eq. (Eq may take 4 weeks for a 100% concentration, for some)

If you need any more help just PM my friend.
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1) Bring the test up to 600mg ( more is never better) I know alot of pros and worked with a few gurus in the business for contest prep...and the level of test that you guys use on this forum is for a pro that has been a pro for 5-10 years...
2) Eq is perfect as is.
3) Orals are not needed, the stress you put on your body is not worth what you get out of it.... if you want to run an oral the best is Anavar 8 weeks,,, since it is not toxic to the body. But of course always make sure to get your milk thistle and cranberrry extract. (take note, anavar will start working at full speed at the 2nd or 3rd week, so a 3 week run will do you no good.
4) Run a half of pill or Arimidex EOD (the whole run): some people will tell you wont make as many gains, but as they may not know you will shift the balance of muscle vs fat..by keeping the estrongen under control,, in turn changing the ratio that you currently have in the body...because if not the higher estrogen in your body will make you gain more body fat as you increase your lean muscle tissue.
5) there alot of way to run the PCT, but yours looks good enough.

The other adivise,,,, due the run for 15-16 weeks because the test will not be 100% in your blood until the 3rd week, and same for the Eq. (Eq may take 4 weeks for a 100% concentration, for some)

If you need any more help just PM my friend.

Test E 500mg 1-12
Eq 400mg 1-12
Dbol 30mg 1-6
Oxandralone 40mg 7-12
HCG and 20mg of Nolvadex ED 11-12
Clomid Therapy 14-16

What do you think if i substituted SUST in instead of the Test E? dont know much about sust thats why im asking?
this is what the "create a cycle" that was posted awhile back had up, lol, just tweaked it a lil. call it whatever you want. So how would the sust sound?
this is what the "create a cycle" that was posted awhile back had up, lol, just tweaked it a lil. call it whatever you want. So how would the sust sound?

you would need to take the sust every day or every other day at the latest, you can NOT go more then 2 days without a shot of sust without your test levels spiking up and down, so I would say yeah you can substitue it with sust but u have to do the sust right