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  1. little big guy


    The IP QV is as good as it gets. There are still fakes coming from mexico so trust your source. :)
  2. little big guy

    Guida and Maynard fight...

    Clay is one of my favorites. I thought he won it aswell. Great fight though. So i wasnt too mad.
  3. little big guy

    Amazing body!!!

    I watched ot twice.
  4. little big guy

    ice comparison

    The only one that can beat Jay is Jay. Phil looked awsome, best he has ever looked. But if you take jays best competition pics (from previous years) i like them more than phils. Imo
  5. little big guy

    Ergopep Introduction

    I did'nt. I love sales....
  6. little big guy

    kicking nicotine

    Go to the local hippie mart and grab some tea tree toothpicks. helped me alot. i also kept grippers in the car to keep my left hand busy. lol
  7. little big guy

    Ergopep Introduction

    Hell Yeah. I saw everybody trickling in. johnjuan, big O, hellbilly, Even phil posted yesterday for the first time in five years. Love doing buisness with ergopep. More importantly love the wealth of knowledge, real world experiance, and honesty the reps share. This is awsome.
  8. little big guy

    How much Milk Thistle

    Mmm hmmm. Nac does exactly what we want by helping rid the liver of toxins (in laymans terms). Think of it as the shampoo, with milk thistle amd liv52products being the conditioner.
  9. little big guy

    Ergopep Introduction

    Is ergo a sponsor now?
  10. little big guy

    need advice

    I am so glad that is over with.
  11. little big guy

    need advice

    Yeah i missread that the sust was replaced with andro. lol.You seem sharp and i sincerely want to help but there is quite a bit going on here (i keep digging more out) and it is late. The MC bretheren will be of more help when they wake. I am going to bed.
  12. little big guy

    need advice

    Real talk. Those arent real cycles, everything you are doing is more than likely prolonging the inevitability of your endocrinologist putting you on test. be patiant and get that in order. then there are tons of threads out there about how to cycle when already on trt. this should be a higher...
  13. little big guy

    need advice

    Getting closer to the type of things needed to help. how old are you? Whats your diet like? What kind of training are you doing?
  14. little big guy

    need advice

    Yes I have experimented with the secretegogues and plenty of other peptides. hell my first stint with igf was 9 years ago.
  15. little big guy

    need advice

    Nice edit. Now cycle history and stats would be nesessary to properly answer your question, no?
  16. little big guy

    need advice

    I may have been a little harsh. Asking for sources in any way is against the rules.
  17. little big guy

    need advice

    Worst first post ever bro. Even the spambots do better.
  18. little big guy

    Is Ezekiel Bread Worth the Cost?

    This.... is awsome. You need to start posting consistantly again bro.