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  1. C

    Lab Test: No growth hormone in Hygetropin

    Just got in a couple kits hope they are the real deal after reading this.
  2. C

    Syntherol Users Look Here

    So IGF on site injections will put size on Bis and Tris...if it does how much and how often?
  3. C

    My Next Cycle

    3rd week into my 1st cycle in about a year. Running some Tren ,some Test Cyp,also Winnie and MC 's IGF 1 the IGF is actually cutting down my mid section and I am liking it. Also notice my strength is going up. I am feeling pretty good. Holding good pumps.
  4. C

    steelers 23 dolfins 22

    Bullshit!!!!!!!!Dolphins where fucking robbed bullshit you seen Dolphins player picked it up in end zone!!!!!!!!!!! Dolphins should have won these fucking refs made so many bad calls this year that cost alot of teams wins this year!!!!!
  5. C

    Hope everthing is hooked up for you now this is my orther name bro have chad55 and chad33 use...

    Hope everthing is hooked up for you now this is my orther name bro have chad55 and chad33 use both of them for certain reasons...... but email me back if you like and if everthing is working for you bro!!!!!!
  6. C

    Hi rob do you like big guys?

    Hi rob do you like big guys?
  7. C

    Shoulder Pain

    I have a torn labrum you may have one too, due to doing heavy dumbell presses its probaly what you have def. check with your doc. bro.
  8. C

    Mark Podgorny 2 weeks out from "NPC North America" Video

    Presser, Mark looks great and has made great improvments in the past couple of weeks he will be def. ready and peaking at that show! Bro he is right there.
  9. C

    OK... this is a little extreme!

    I wondered were my wife has been!
  10. C

    How many here have used Syntheselen?

    I would like to know as well what is in that product.
  11. C

    HCG Red Knots?

    If it was burning for a couple days and you felt like you were on fire its most likely probaly bad shit bro.
  12. C

    Grip on deadlifts make a difference?

    Overhand with straps is the best way i think without getting hurt.
  13. C

    help w/ hcg

  14. C

    "Getting ready to start training again"

    Thanx bro, that sounds great.
  15. C

    "Getting ready to start training again"

    Well right now my weight is around 260lbs. at 6'0 tall but like i said alot of it i gained in the past couple of years without working out its mostly gone to my waist and i know its going to be a battle to get it off,i have been eating so much fast food it makes me sick.I just want a good deit...
  16. C

    "Getting ready to start training again"

    Looking for a good deit that i will not get bored of, and i will be back in the gym for the first time in a couple of years but i am ready to do it. I am looking for anyone who can give me a good deit that i can stick to and maintain so anyone with good advise feel free, my current weight is 260...
  17. C 6 weeks out from North America. Sponsored by

    Yo Presser,your guy is looking good for being six weeks out. Can't wait to see him in four more bro