My Next Cycle

You should have back pumps and/or forearm pumps atleast from the Dbol.. At 50mgs you said that you are on, do you ever feel your blood pressure rise, or flush in the face or hot like flashes in face from time to time?

I've only been running the dbol for 3 weeks now it came in late !!! I get red in the face from time to time !!!!
I've only been running the dbol for 3 weeks now it came in late !!! I get red in the face from time to time !!!!
The Dbol sounds like it's kicking in, Test is also notorious for causing flush face when kicking in, or when blood levels are bouncing around and are unstable, so it may be working but your expecting much more. Patients my brother, patients.
The Dbol sounds like it's kicking in, Test is also notorious for causing flush face when kicking in, or when blood levels are bouncing around and are unstable, so it may be working but your expecting much more. Patients my brother, patients.

Thanks Bro... Hope you stick around here !!!! There are alot good guys here you will like it here !!!
Some guys get the strength first and then the weight. For others its the opposite.
Something is working if you're gaining strength.
Some guys get the strength first and then the weight. For others its the opposite.
Something is working if you're gaining strength.

Agreed....You'll really start to make some gains since you're strength is going up.
The juice has made a big!! difference but I want more mass.

I have been taking Pentadex 300 twice a week with oral tren 3 250mcg/tabs a day. Eating 277 grams of protein a those beans...and I wanted to know more about IGF or HGH and how to take it. I am 185. Will it be a huge gain with what I am taking?
I have been taking Pentadex 300 twice a week with oral tren 3 250mcg/tabs a day. Eating 277 grams of protein a those beans...and I wanted to know more about IGF or HGH and how to take it. I am 185. Will it be a huge gain with what I am taking?

You'll not be disappointed with MC IGF. You'll make some good gains with it
3rd week into my 1st cycle in about a year. Running some Tren ,some Test Cyp,also Winnie and MC 's IGF 1 the IGF is actually cutting down my mid section and I am liking it. Also notice my strength is going up. I am feeling pretty good. Holding good pumps.