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  1. D

    Test Ace crash. Help with conversoin

    How high did u make the concentration bro?.. I recently made a batch at 200mg/ml and the powder didn't disolve very well.. So then I tried it at 150mg/ml and it crashed, similar to what you're describing.. So my next attempt will be to make it at 100mg/ml... But Im gonna use the advice the other...
  2. D

    I think I contaminated my Prop... I need advice/opinions

    Thanks brother... You're right, 5 grams isn't worth a trip to the ER with a giant abcess... I'm definitely gonna get rid of it and just make a new one
  3. D

    I think I contaminated my Prop... I need advice/opinions

    Hello fellas, I have a question... So I finally decided to put on my lab coat and brew my own gear for the first time. Unfortunately, I think I may have F'd it up... I was making 50ml of Test Prop at 100mg/ml... The problem is that I couldn't find a glass stirring rod so I thought it would be...
  4. D

    Methyl-1-T or straight test

    I just finished my cycle using stealth Test C... also, I'm planning on using stealth for my next cycle... I think the Bactrum may be a little over kill for the "Infection" that people can get from stealth... In my experience, I did get an allergic reaction but I just took some benadryl... I took...
  5. D

    HCG Red Knots?

    Are you injecting it properly? There's HCG that is to be injected Sub-q and there's HCG that can be injected IM... I've read about folks that had the IM version and didn't know it, so they injected it Sub-Q and had the reaction that you are describing... Just a thought.
  6. D

    Pic of me, yesterday

    Great job brother
  7. D

    What kinda females y'all like?

    It depends on what I want her for... WEEKEND FUN= Long hair, big ass, big tits, any race, from slim to thick (not fat, just thick like Tapanga from Boy Meets World) from short to tall, and hopefully she dresses RELATIONSHIP= Good
  8. D

    Napping before training

    I've noticed that when I nap before a workout I can actually make my workout a last a little longer cuz I feel more rested and energized... I also wait about an hour after my nap before I actually go to the gym, as posted above. Sometimes, depending on what time I hit the gym I feel like...
  9. D

    Why do YOU allow steroids to be illegal??

    It just goes to show that the people who make these laws are biggo fat, lazy mother f'ers that have probly never step foot in a gym their whole lives... They most likely sit behind a desk all day then go home and sit on the couch eating potato chips all evening til it's time to go to bed. on...
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    I'm on stealth right now... good to go... yes price is very low, but it's the real deal... if you're talkin about the same stealth that i think you're talkin about.
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    Appetite Inducers

    I just recently started taking digestive enzymes and I've noticed I've been able to eat more in a day. After a meal I would stay full and bloated for HOURS, no matter what or how little I ate. Now that I'm taking the digestive enzymes with each meal, I'm hungry again about an hour after a full...
  12. D

    quick pic

    Lookin good brotha, good job
  13. D

    Dandelion Root as a diurectic?

    I have some, I dose it according to what it says on the label. When I was taking it by itself I did not notice any difference at all. Then I got some Diurex wich is supposed to be a "gentle" diuretic, and didn't notice a big difference taking it by itself either. I had somewhat of a dry mouth...
  14. D

    Almost died yesterday!!!

    That is some scary shit man... Glad you made it thru ... thank you for sharing wit us bro
  15. D


    Lookin big as hell bro, good job
  16. D

    Vote for me please... Flex bikini model search!

    You got my vote sis:thumbsup: