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  1. ygbodybuilder10

    IFBB Pro Kris Dim Paralyzed

    damm thats just sad
  2. ygbodybuilder10

    My theory on getting horny rasing test level and leading to gains and strength

    Everybody here is a testimonial on my theory on how to raise your natural testosterone levels
  3. ygbodybuilder10

    My theory on getting horny rasing test level and leading to gains and strength

    :bench:Now for a long time I have been preaching that being horny or sexual arouse will lead to better gains and strengths and I myself believe in that and think that has help with my growth. Some say its bro science some have tried it and said it worked . The whole goal to up the test levels...
  4. ygbodybuilder10

    Cooking with chief yg
  5. ygbodybuilder10

    8 ways to waste time in the gym

    what about the sexy females that are distraction
  6. ygbodybuilder10

    Does your gym have a lot of rules?

    I got to a ymca and its pretty much do what u want
  7. ygbodybuilder10

    fake or fake???

    if u think that is real, go get ur named changed to " I'm a dammm fool"
  8. ygbodybuilder10

    What do you see when you look in the mirror?

    i see small person thats why i keep lifting:bench::show:
  9. ygbodybuilder10

    What the hell went wrong with here?

    another bodybuilder told a story about him where he was actually one of the dudes that couldnt wipe his own ass, his wife would help him or he would use towels
  10. ygbodybuilder10

    Favorite protein source?

    my fav is protein powder. Because 1. its cheaper than the solide protein source 2. its last longer. 3. its faster and easier to get down. 4. no cleaning up needed.
  11. ygbodybuilder10

    The 202's just got better...

    i just seen him on md with his new training style, looking great even thou i dont improve of that training he is doing
  12. ygbodybuilder10

    Whats your take on MCT oils?

    hmm I have some, but wasnt planning on using it until i diet down
  13. ygbodybuilder10

    whats up with planet fittness

    they are strict, they dont want you wearing a hat or a bandana in there. I dare you to go in there and try to do one set of heavy deadlifts, once that weight hit the floor, your ass is out of there
  14. ygbodybuilder10

    How many carbs you eat a day?

    How many carbs do you eat a day? I have no idea i know its over 450
  15. ygbodybuilder10

    Squeezing tricep contractions

    i been good man, thought i come thru and see whats going on
  16. ygbodybuilder10

    Pick One, Be Strong or Look Strong?

    i rather look strong:show:
  17. ygbodybuilder10

    Squeezing tricep contractions

    x2, hold it for a squeez on cable movements and it feels great, but when i do drop sets after that , i just pump them out
  18. ygbodybuilder10

    How much cardio do you do in one session?

    dammm dont u lose weight to fast doing that much of cardio
  19. ygbodybuilder10

    Where do you shop for your SUPPLEMENTS?

    anyone know a cheaper place than