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  1. Shaptown

    The Dudes #1 fan

    can't wait to see your results bro! also, your lady is absolutely gorgeous. hope you two are satisfied with the work, and that it pays off with some proper placement.... :gold:
  2. Shaptown

    mixing oils

    no theres no point. what you, and everyone else is doing, is just fine; so long as the needle you are drawing with is not the one you are actually performing the injection with. Always pin with a fresh needle....
  3. Shaptown

    Testosterone and trying to conceive

    I'm gonna have to disagree with Presser, as I run my HCG protocol quite differently. I run HCG throughout the cycle, once the test has kicked in and is at elevated levels of course. It is nothing like the doses that individuals who use it during PCT use. I mean, I commonly use 500IU HCG weekly...
  4. Shaptown

    different type of cycle

    Since you are more or less kickstarting with prop, I would definitely implement the Proviron at around the second week, instead of week 6. I think that will definitely help tremendously in terms of getting the cycle underway and maximizing gains while simultaneously avoiding aromatization and...
  5. Shaptown

    Anyone use Naps?

    Naps is a good guy i really hope you used the .net one and not the .com one....
  6. Shaptown

    Prescription Nutrition....

    Nice lookin' product there Mike. Thanks for the recommendation as well big, can't wait to try this stuff. It looks excellent !
  7. Shaptown

    ECA stack

    i absolutely hate clen and love ECA. never got the jitters from ECA, but did badly from was to the point that I could not keep my hand steady at all
  8. Shaptown

    Proud Announcements!

    Congrats bro! Sorry I have been missing so long, its good to be back. I know you have been doing exceedingly well and getting ridiculously huge wtf
  9. Shaptown

    igf-1 increases cancer risk?

    actually IGF-1 and HGH do not increase the risk of cancer, plain and simple. they do however, increase the rate at which neoplasms divide; as such, they can cause faster development of metastatic neoplasms, which is undoubtedly a huge risk. so basically, be sure you are checked up yearly, as...
  10. Shaptown


    hey. love all of their stuff. they are g2g; especially their orals. they are in fact the best many others (myself included) have ever used...
  11. Shaptown

    favorite exercise to watch a woman do

    definitely the vagina machine :thumbsup:
  12. Shaptown


    and i mean i can't really definitively say that 5-HTP made a difference, as MDMA: 1. inhibits tryptophan hydroxylase 2. bind postsynaptic 5-HT(2A) receptors 3. binds the presynaptic 5-HT transporter 4. enhances 5-HT release from the vesicles into the synapse 5. inhibits Monoamine Oxidase The...
  13. Shaptown


    that really doesn't make sense since 5-HTP is metabolized into serotonin via the tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme, whereas the "z-drugs", of which zolpidem (Ambien) is included, have affinity solely for the ionotropic A subset of the GABA receptor. Obviously Serotonin is an agonist for the 5-HT...
  14. Shaptown


    Who supplements this for mood enhancement?
  15. Shaptown

    Military Presses vs. Shoulder Presses

    Dumbell vs barbell for each. I realize they do work seperate muscles, but if you could only do one, which would it be? Preference of one over the other? Why?
  16. Shaptown

    Alcohol Suspensions

    So, who here gets their ancillaries suspended in alcohol from certain research companies? I for one do, as it is much cheaper than ordering the same product in tablet form from say geneza or axio. however, i am finally starting to feel as though it may be worth it to finally just invest in...
  17. Shaptown

    Peg mgf

    What is the advantage to having MGF suspended in MGF as opposed to simply acetic acid?
  18. Shaptown

    Swimming for Cardio & Flexibility

    totally agree with this
  19. Shaptown

    What do you eat? really, did you just ask me this!

    happens to me many a time, and what I have "most" commonly found is that people just dont eat ENOUGH. They eat healthy, which sure is great, but they eat 3 meals a day each consisting of 600-700 calories. They don't believe me when I tell them that I eat 6-8 meals a day, depending on what part...