Search results

  1. F

    Gen-Shi Labs or Gen shi Laboratories Reviews? Anyone have experience with them?

    there def legit company. but products are wayy over priced. Obv price on em varies sponsor to sponsor but no matter where ya look its one of most expensive ug labs. And i know for a fact outta personal preference heres much cheaper and potent gear available out there - - - Updated - - - ohh...
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    What is your favorite Lab?

    bunited was a good lab but dont think there producing anymore. I myself think at least 2 of the very best out are IV and Biotech. Theres a reason theyve been around 10+ yrs each and stuff is always consistemt
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    Juan Morel 3 weeks out from Tampa Pro

    this is another guy that ive really enjoyed watchin and def see a bright future for him. the improvements he made in jus 1 yr r crazy
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    New Dennis Wolf pics

    remember he use to consideer his arms a weak part. I can def say that he brought themrenmendously. I love this guyz physique and the improvements hes made ova the years. i def believe he gets overlooked alot and does deserve some higher placings especially when s hes on like hes been last...
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    Kevin Jordan 10 weeks out of North Americans

    hes got some seriously big ass arms and great symmetry and still young. skyies the limit for this guy imo
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    Nitric Oxide anyone?

    as a legal pre workout NO booster im currently using the orginal vpx NO shotgun. Awesome ingredients and also includes 20g of i believe either whey or casein hydroslate
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    Anybody go thru withdrawels

    i use to cycle on and off my 1st 2 yrs. after i had 2 kids and got a beautiful family im content and jus stay on yr long. I jus adjust my doseages throughout the yr. P{retty much blast and cruise typwe of thing
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    who you got wining the Mr. Olympia this year?

    def see phil winning again. but 2nd through 5th is gonna be very interesting. This new guy big ramy is def gonna shake tings up big time imo. and then theres also kai, rhoden, dex, wolf, and cutler i am a cutler fan but dont see him doin well. 3rd at best and thats onl;y to not embarass him. way...
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    Need a thicker chest

    chest is my most stubborm bodypart. yet im really strong with all my presses. But i think my big shoulders and tris take ova alot of the time. So i had to do alot of experimenting to bring it up and im still at it but have def seen great results the last 6mons. i am always switching things up...
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    Your supplement dream stack.

    as of right now im using a preworkout NO booster karbolyn (great carb source) creatine(basic micronized monohydrate) bcaas protein(mixed blend of fast and slow) *as of late been using clenbeautrol on and off mainly when im really tired and need a big enegy bump/push in the gym
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    Cardio time

    i find the stepmill/stairclimber to be the best and fsastest for leaning up. But thats al pointless if diets outta wack. But to answer ur other question i myself use 10g bcaas pre intra and post to keep me from goin to catabolic. That should def help ya keeep on the m,uscle and also donrt go...
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    bye bye, Muscle Mag.

    i heard this news ova the wkend and wasnt comletly stunned though. like someone earlier said the internet is everyones main info supply now and if u dont have a subscript to a mag there pretty exp off the shelf. I myslef do have scripts to musclemag muscle and fitness and flex. and also buy MD...
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    Strenght only cycle

    finding legit cheque drops is def not gonna be an easy task. The key for u is finding compounds that r in and out of ur system very quickly. So do some research 1st and see wut times certain things stay in ur body for and go from their- I no test suspension is in and out pretty fast and most def...
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    Push ups

    i very rarely do them. Only time i do them is if i incorpate them in a superset like incline db press followed by pushups wit slow neg
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    Losing interest...

    omg my friend, i was in this same exact predictment not long ago. As for myself i jus needed a short break of 5-7 days and begin to balance my life out better and then things felt better again. Not thats my own expereience so i hope that helps or at least gives ya some ideas. Also remember to...
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    Overhead dumbell pullovers

    i do some type of pullover at about every other back workout and actually did DB pullovers today. Def a awesome/brutal yet effective excerise for the lats. I prefer to do them at the end of my workout though, that way i dont need as luch weight and i get a greattt stretch and added pump b4 i...
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    Partials for pumps...

    partials can most definetly 100% help and be effective. and there a great intensity booster as well to help push a set well beyond initial failure. I read a great piece from mountaindog not to long ago on partials and how helpful they are. forgot where i read it otherwise id post it. But for...
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    Big Ramy 4,5 weeks out of the New York pro

    def gonna be the talk of the upcoming show. But truthfully i see him at the best in 5th place with the comptetion hes got. But def got a bright future as long as he has a smart guy like DJ in his corner - - - Updated - - - best i see him at is 5th place. But he will mos def be the talk of the...
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    Big Ramy 4.5 weeks out from 2013 New York Pro

    def gonna be the talk of the upcoming show. But truthfully i see him at the best in 5th place with the comptetion hes got. But def got a bright future as long as he has a smart guy like DJ in his corner - - - Updated - - - best i see him at is 5th place. But he will mos def be the talk of the...