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  1. JuicedVenom

    Applying MC IGF to ab Muscles

    Youd be quite suprised, my coach tried.5 ml of Test Prop ( which can be painful in any virgin muscle) and he was out of work the next day.and won't try again to this day. That was 3 years ago. As for me I started with a 25x1 and used compounds that are not as common to have pip .such as EQ...
  2. JuicedVenom

    GHRP-2 vs GHRP-6 vs Ipamorelin...Which to use and Why

    AWSOME POST. I'm loving these peps.
  3. JuicedVenom

    Genotropin Side Effects

    Serostims are the best I've used. Genos are great for fat loss. But SERos give me a 3d look and I use 5iu a day and 6 Iu of old hyges. 3pins. Plus igf @125 mcg daily. And AAS. Test tren mast. ADEX and t-4. Caber and cialis I'm growing like never before in 20 yrs
  4. JuicedVenom


  5. JuicedVenom


    U mix igf and AAS ? Noooooooo.
  6. JuicedVenom


    I preload my application for 2 days @ a time. ( also due to kids and lady.) so I can pin it in milliseconds. And NOONE has a clue. And the best part is after 3 years w my woman. Last night she said to me "wow your shoulders and chest are getting Big! Look I haven't heard a peep in 3 years...
  7. JuicedVenom

    The Dudes 2014 MC IGF log

    I started @ 40 mcg. A few months ago. Now I am up to 80. I've used up to 120. But along with Gh and a large blast of AAS I find 80 mcgs is a great cruise dose. If I ran 120 a day I'd never afford all my other goodies. But of all the compounds, peptides etc I've used in my opinion this here...
  8. JuicedVenom

    Applying MC IGF to ab Muscles

    I have been using it on my medial delts and they are getting quite big. I was using a 29x1/2. Now I use a 31 x5/16. Cuz I ran out of other pins. It's working great. I've ran out of sub q places for now due to 2x rHGH a day and 1 x igf. So now I pin in calves and delts. I also use calves for...
  9. JuicedVenom

    Applying MC IGF to ab Muscles

    When "applying" it to lower abs, what size pin are you using? Is it leaving a bump?
  10. JuicedVenom

    Reconstitution: The easiest way to understand it

    Finally!!!! Someone put it in a way we can all understand. So 3.7 mg was what?? Lol jk thanks bro
  11. JuicedVenom

    Test P, Test E, Tren Cycle

    Bro. Never use tren until u need to add. After 4-5 cycles minimum. 1st cycle should be a 500 mg test e cycle. Maybe a oral to jump start.and pct is just as if not more important than the actual cycle. After you use AAS for a while and know what your dealing with. And try dig compounds...
  12. JuicedVenom

    HMG over HCG! update

    Hcg works well. I'd love to try hmg. Interesting.
  13. JuicedVenom

    Sustonon 250!!

    There was a day I liked sust. But I'd rather some prop or test E along with some tren and mast. Of course the igf and hgh are also great additions. Everyone reacts a lot differently so I can see why a lot love sust.
  14. JuicedVenom

    Sustonon 250!!

    I fully agree! Sust is a roller coaster ride of hormone levels. Which in turn causes acne and a lot of sides. It's probably the worst blend out. Idk y anyone uses it. Unless u inject eod
  15. JuicedVenom

    gear past exp date

    It's absolutely fine. ( assuming it was gtg to begin with) no worries bro. I've used old gear that's not had the top popped. For example I'm on TRT. And I secret squirrel my hg away and use ug most of the year or two or three. So eventually I get enough cyp to blast for months on end. And I...
  16. JuicedVenom

    100mcgs MC IGF for 12 wks log

    Try it. Let us know. I personally love tren. Nothing IMO comes close. But I'd love to hear your thoughts. By the way. I tried 200 mcg of igf today. I'll stick with 120. 200 is a bit much for me. Just wanted to try.
  17. JuicedVenom

    Crashing test levels...

    Deca and test prop. Worked well for me. Wait 5 weeks to clear system totally of deca or use npp. Wait 3 weeks ( to be safe) and boom my levels were fucking 24. Retested at 7 am. Cuz the said this is not rite. And it was 67 ahhahahaha TRT. Within 2 weeks. Bloods every 5-6 months...
  18. JuicedVenom

    Can someone explain what this steroid in a glass egg is. Serious Question!

    It's a marketing thing. When u purchase. It's not in that dumb thing. Thank god
  19. JuicedVenom

    100mcgs MC IGF for 12 wks log

    Wow I've seen quite a difference since my addition of 6 Iu hgh 3x2 ed. And I ramped up igf to 120. 60 am. 60 pre workout. Plus test e @ 1200 mg and mast e @ 1g and deca @ 750 mg. I'm growing Busting through my 6 month plateu. I feel great. Mc igf is the best I've used. And it...
  20. JuicedVenom

    100mcgs MC IGF for 12 wks log

    I like it bro. Tell me. I've been blasting n cruising AAS for years. Now I've added hgh. And igf from mc. Now I've been usin it sub q. Like hgh. What pin size do u use when pinning in lats, tris, chest. Etc? So also your goin IM. Today I tried 29g x1/2 slin pin. In delts. 25...