Crashing test levels...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've read of people causing their levels to significantly drop prior to a test in order to assure they get HRT from their doctor, but does anyone know how to effectively drop your levels? I've read of guys taking birth control, guys taking large amounts of a particular steroid (can't remember for sure which one, but I think tren) without test, but I haven't really known anyone personally to do this so i wasn't sure if it actually worked. So has anyone actually done this or know of someone who has and if so, what'd you/they do?
i know I've read guys here who said they made sure to get the test done after a cycle of testosterone, if your using propionate its pretty easy to manipulate your levels and show up as a female on ur test lol

I know in Europe they use Deca as Male contraceptive, so theirs many ways to kill your testosterone levels
I am on a 12 week cycle of test cyp, deca, and tren. that will leave me with about 7-8 weeks to clear my system before I have to be tested by my doc for my HRT. Hope thats plenty of enough time. I will be back on my "normal" HRT for those 8 weeks of 200ml per week of test cyp. I have thought about taking about 150ml per week during that time to make sure my bloods come back
Yeah just Keep your cycle mapped out just I skip a couple days then do blood work, I've been doing for two years... just don't take alpha 1 then do blood work , liver went from 46 to 160 ! Wow
Buddy of mine got his levels tested about a month after a Tren only cycle and his test level was 79. The doc put him on 200mg test c per week right away!

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Both tren and deca with cause test levels to drop fast. If you have been on a big test cycle, you would still have to come off for at least a couple of weeks combined with tren to come down low enough. For repeat tests for those already on HRT, you only need to come down into normal range to show your HRT is working just fine.
Both tren and deca with cause test levels to drop fast. If you have been on a big test cycle, you would still have to come off for at least a couple of weeks combined with tren to come down low enough. For repeat tests for those already on HRT, you only need to come down into normal range to show your HRT is working just fine.

How often do they generally test you, monthly or yearly?
My doc tested me after the first 4 weeks, then upped the dose (started at 150 mg/wk), tested again after 3 mo, then upped the dose (150 to 170, then to 180); normally I'd go to an every 6 months schedule for bloodwork. But I've become such a science project I still get tested pretty frequently.
I'm with Presser. I think Prop is the easiest to manipulate in a lot of areas!!

Prop is certainly the easiest to manipulate if you're on cycle. If you're on HRT, they rarely give you prop so you have to deal with test e or test cyp.
I just did my blood work this week and my test was 2100!!! I'm only doing 400 mg a week of test cyp. I do not feel like I've got that much in me at all, my normal number is below 100 lol ! I'm also on 3 IU of hgh a day that I think is taking up my free receptors in my body and not letting the test be usable. The FDA is getting rid of the free test results and doing total test results so its hard to tell what your using. Not trying to take over the topic but anyone have any opinions?
Deca and test prop. Worked well for me. Wait 5 weeks to clear system totally of deca or use npp. Wait 3 weeks ( to be safe) and boom my levels were fucking 24. Retested at 7 am. Cuz the said this is not rite. And it was 67 ahhahahaha TRT. Within 2 weeks. Bloods every 5-6 months. Now 1 x a year. NOTE****** THIS WAS 6or so years ago. So I might be inaccurate. On times. But my bloods I just found and yes sir 24&67. 200 cyp a week now. But I blast 9 months and cruise a day lol. Blast cruise repeat. When bloods are near I cruise and all is great. Idk works for me. I am more into peptides and hgh. Now. I still pin as if it were a vitamin. Everyday on short esters. 4x a week on long esters.