The Dudes 2014 MC IGF log

I had a sub today with all the toppings so I think the sodium puffed me all up. I was back at 250lbs. Apparently the rumors that the wheels had been repo'd are untrue LOL....

The Dude Approved
yeah a little water weight but you can tell whats there brutha, looking good!
Still at my HRT doses. Im prescribed ALOT of test, but I stick to about 300mg a week. I'm prescribed 300mg of Deca a week, but sometimes do 400mg. I'm using 120mcg of MC IGF preworkout so like 5 times a week. I'm out of Masteron, but want to get more soon

The Dude Approved
Nice low to moderate doses Dude! No where does it say or is it written in stone that you gotta run 1000mg of this and that to grow!!!
Nice low to moderate doses Dude! No where does it say or is it written in stone that you gotta run 1000mg of this and that to grow!!!

I don't know, Pretty sure Moses had an 11th commandment on that stone tablet lmao kidding!
1000mg holy hypoglycemia! If that didn't kill u starvation would because that's a lot of IGF1 & a lot of $$$ LMAO. So dosage is between 50-100mcg a day for beginners?
LMAO I was thinking of IGF1 I thought it was a typo. 1g of gear isnt absurd. Presser is 50-100mcg a day igf ok?
LMAO I was thinking of IGF1 I thought it was a typo. 1g of gear isnt absurd. Presser is 50-100mcg a day igf ok?

I started at 50mcg years ago. The highest I've gone in the offseason is 120mcg. The sweet spot for most guys is somewhere in there

The Dude Approved
As of now Silk and I are fully dedicated to getting leaner and more muscular. I was doing 25 - 30 min of cardio 5 days a week with my training prior and cleaned up my diet. Clean roughly 13 days out of 2 weeks.
Started doing 25 minutes of cardio in the AM too today. Going to do that 3 mornings a week and going to cut out 100 - 150g of carbs a day and replace with fibrous veggies. It's going to be rough, but with the amount of muscle I carry, I'd look great at 230.
The IGF is going to be instrumental in this as I've noted it greatly improves my bodies ability to stay leaner with carbs. I'm running low so I'll need to order more soon.
This amount of muscle at 230lbs would definately be worthy of an updated profile pic Lol!!

The Dude Approved
I started @ 40 mcg. A few months ago. Now I am up to 80. I've used up to 120. But along with Gh and a large blast of AAS I find 80 mcgs is a great cruise dose. If I ran 120 a day I'd never afford all my other goodies. But of all the compounds, peptides etc I've used in my opinion this here igf is fukn by far the best addition I ever added.
I started @ 40 mcg. A few months ago. Now I am up to 80. I've used up to 120. But along with Gh and a large blast of AAS I find 80 mcgs is a great cruise dose. If I ran 120 a day I'd never afford all my other goodies. But of all the compounds, peptides etc I've used in my opinion this here igf is fukn by far the best addition I ever added.

Nice Review brutha!
It's a sad day. All out of MC IGF. I've trying to sell a couple things to work up some money to get more as I'm really seeing some great changes. I had to hire another lawyer today so cash flow took a hit. Silk is going with me today so I'm really going to try and get some new pics. You wouldn't believe how much bodyfat I've lost already. Not to mention that for the first time in my life I've been able to train 3 days in a row and in some cases (this week and last week) 4 days in a row!! This stuff is crazy synergistic with even small doses of AAS. My calves say it all. I'll get some pics of them too. For $10 I'll send autographed pics LOL!!

The Dude Approved
I'm sad for u bro! and for me! I have none as well. How long do y'all cycle IGF1 for and does anyone use it to bridge or only as part of ur aas?
And strained / tore my teres minor yesterday warming up on pull downs.... RIGHT after I run out!!! I know I can train around it, but it's frustrating. Now I'm going to have to fork out the cash for a massage

The Dude Approved