Search results

  1. kossdeh

    BA and BB

    Good place, pin too. Thanks
  2. kossdeh

    BA and BB

    What's the best place to get BA and BB. Was hoping to get them one stop shop w pins
  3. kossdeh

    what's the best oil for conversions

    I had a batch of oil I got a while back that was working real well for me. Thing is, I forgot what kind of oil it was. A few months ago I ordered some oil from a new company and it was hard as hell to inject. My 25g needle would get stuck way too often. I checked the needles and found that...
  4. kossdeh

    Question on effects of Clen

    I used to get that crappy feeling from taking it the first 3-4 days (shakes, like I was gonna have a heart attack), but it usually goes away by the second week. If you do 4 two week cycles, by the end, the only prob you'll have is the shakes. It decreases but doesnt totally go away
  5. kossdeh

    bouncin pains

    put those ladies on your boat, hit a couple of waves, watch the jiggle and then you'll see even more uncomfortable bloating from the prop
  6. kossdeh

    Post cycle help

    Everyone does have their own post cycle concoctions but the idea is to keep gains and minimize sides. You do what works for you, but in the beginning you have to find out what that is. To add to your pile, consider maintaining the arimidex or ldex post cycle to minimize the acne that you'll get...
  7. kossdeh

    Kick off orals a waste?

    A good bunch of bro's use orals for their first cycle if they arent totally unsure of the commitment. the results are soon lost but the easy gain in size really wets the appetite to do something more substantial and retainable
  8. kossdeh

    Shaved or not??

    Gotta like the big muff. Like a crazy 70's fro down there. Real nice. I like it shaved too. Just for variety.
  9. kossdeh

    Wisdom Teeth Removal - Diet question

    An impaction means that the tooth is stuck on something and very frequently its the bone that the tooth usually erupts through. If youre jaw is very small the wisdom tooth develops the the ramus of your mandible (the vertical rather than the horizontal part where the other teeth are). Then to...
  10. kossdeh

    cool nutrition software

    Youre really tops with this stuff man
  11. kossdeh

    Wisdom Teeth Removal - Diet question

    Wisdom tooth removal varies greatly for everyone. It depends on the level of impaction (if any) and how erupted they are into the mouth. Some extractions are so easy, you can get away with normal advil dosage and eat normal food very soon. Some hurt like hell and youre restricted to a soft...
  12. kossdeh

    This weeks Toons of the Week from MuscleHedz

    I always love muscle heads toons. where do you get them?
  13. kossdeh


    He he
  14. kossdeh

    One New Moderator has been added

    All I can say is about damn time I see you in a mod position. Over the last two years, youve been all over all the boards with a lot of good info. Rightful that youre finally recognized for that. Congrats
  15. kossdeh

    Big problems with research consulting

    I have Bass working on it but they are still dodging my mails. BTW, I ordered from those guys b/c they were the only place I could find anastrazole powder.
  16. kossdeh

    Big problems with research consulting

    On top of that, I know its someone I know I can trust and delivers when he promises AND delivers quality products
  17. kossdeh

    your homemade tren results???

    Its a piece of cake and worth the results. The only thing about tren that sucks is the zits. But that varies by the individual. The strength and lean mass is worth every drop of effort in making it and its a hell of lot cheaper than any other gear and if you compare it to mexivet oils, much...
  18. kossdeh

    Liver Protectant Always???

    Its not the protein intake you should be worried about. Its the freakin gear. Thats much harder on your liver than lots of protien. Also, the liver is not the body's main source of proteases. Even if you ate a rhino a day for a year I doubt your liver values would blink. Your kidneys feel...
  19. kossdeh

    Big problems with research consulting

    I hear ya. thats where I saw them. The dude is the old research guy that evey bumped around here a long while back. Back then he was the main place to get the stuff. I had worked with him before but switched to chem and others because you could use a credit card to get the stuff. Im waiting...