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  1. Q

    Hello I'm a Newbie looking for direction

    Welcome. 250 really is just slightly higher than TRT. If you are wanting strength increase and muscle building, you may want to consider 400 week instead. You might not see a whole lot on that low dosage. Whatever you decide, good luck with your first cycle.
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    current cycle help

    You will not get tren like results with anything but tren. having said that, it is very difficult for most to run that compound year round. mast is a good addition but primo, if you can find the real thing, will have to be run at such a high dosage to be effective, it might not be worthwhile. I...
  3. Q

    Merry Christmas

    merry Christmas
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    Weight training material on disk

    What an excellent resource. You are useful to have around lol
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    Recipe for Nandrolone Phenylpropionate please

    I like gso and safflower myself. what is all this hype recently about coconut oil? whats your thoughts on that PG?
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    deca ba ???

    If you look at a lot of pharm grade stuff, it says BA content is something like 0.9% so a lot is not needed. When I have brewed in the past, I only used 1% and have never had any issues with sterility. But my equipment has been absolutely sterile and I am anal about that, so take that into...
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    Do most people know their blood type? and should they?

    You can donate blood to the red cross, they will type it for you.
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    Best Cycle for lean bulk?

    Im not Pressure, but I can chime in. I usually aim for 12 week cycles because that's how long my body can take it usually. Ive done a couple 16 weeks but usually feel like total crap near the end. I feel short changed if I don't run 12 weeks but Ive also had to end a cycle at 8 weeks... so I...
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    PROHORMONES OFFICIALLY BANNED ... Just a though ...come on this is bull

    well they did try the booze ban a while back and it got real ugly. I firmly believe the government is going to go too far one day with its controlling every little aspect of people's lives. When people finally get fed up with it, things will change. The problem in my opinion, not enough people...
  10. Q

    Still a pansy with needles

    You actually used them?? Oh man I cant even imagine. lol
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    Special Needs Kids in public

    Believe me when I tell you it was all I could do not to grab those punks. You can bet all eyes were on us at that moment because when I get to that point, volume control goes out the window and the ladies did thank me. But if parents wont teach their children how to behave, I damn sure don't...
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    Special Needs Kids in public

    Aint that the truth? I have a nephew who will be 25 this coming year and he acts like he is still 15. Of course, his mother still treats him that way so Im not surprised.
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    Special Needs Kids in public

    I was in Wendy's the other day, because I like a single with cheese please... and there were three care takers in line, each with a young special needs boy they were in charge of. I'm not exactly sure what their disabilities were, but I'm certain one was autistic because he behaved just like my...
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    Holiday Season Thouhgts

    A lesson I also learned the hard way. I had a good job and was being 'groomed' for management and advancement until that damn Christmas party. I drank too much, said too much and was far too loud. It didn't take long for me to understand I wasn't about to advance in that company after that.
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    Still a pansy with needles

    Ok, I thought I was the only weirdo out there who didn't like slin pins for that reason. Good to know Im not. My very first experience with pins I ordered 18g because I didn't know the smaller the number, the larger the pin. When I got those I was like "OH Hell No!". I called my sister, a...
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    Not sure I would have said it quite like that but I do agree with you. If he is 12% bf and 220 pounds and never used AAS, then he knows his shit when it comes to nutrition. So I wont add to the 'diet is key' advice column. I will say this: Get your levels checked before you start. At 40.. you...
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    Another new guy

    I'll be honest, I created an account over a decade ago and let my wife use it. Until this last year, I never gave the site much though but since I've ventured back over, I have to say I am impressed with this site. Brothers are very friendly and helpful. Not a lot of drama and flaming and the...
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    Christmas Shopping for The WIfe Today! What do you guys buy Spouses for Christmas???

    My wife and I have been together for well over a decade now. When we first got together, I gave her this silver infinity ring. I was really just being a cheap bastard back then. $50 I paid. Time ticks by and I feel like I should replace that cheap ring with something made of gold. I have tried...
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    Do most people know their blood type? and should they?

    an interesting fact about the most common blood type, O is that you can only receive that type. If you are A, B, or AB, you can receive O type blood but if you are O, you can only receive O. And then of course, there are the Rh Factors..pos or neg. I'm a bit weird I guess because I had to know...
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    CYCLE qustion

    dnp might be effective if used right, but there is so much that is bad about it. Personally, I wouldn't touch that. Good ole ECA, clean diet and cardio are all you really need....that and a bit of will power.