Hello I'm a Newbie looking for direction


New member
How's it going. I stumbled across the site while doing a search for pins and testosterone enanthate.
Im 41 - Never done any testosterone. My level was 305 and my doctor said it was kinda low but in the normal range. She got me a referral to and endo but there was a paperwork mixup and I'm still trying to get that sorted out.

I decided to do it on my own.

Is it okay for a male my age to do a cycle of test enthate?
IM looking at just 250 per week for 12 weeks.
Purpose: build muscle, strenght, maybe lose some body fat as my diet will be tight.

A guy in the gym told me to do arimedex during th cycle to avoid estrogen. But I also read that it is not necessary because the dose is so low.
Is HCG neccessary for Post cycle?
Ive also seen conflicting info on post therapy. some say a test only dose at 250 wont need post/ true?

Don't flame me for the questions. Like I said I'm new at all of this.

Stats wt-235
BF 19

Bench 325 max -- 225 for 18 reps
Dead Lift 315 for 8
squats - goblet 120 db for 10 / back squats 225 for 12 (not back squatting right now due shoulder issue)
at 41 i would go ahead and do 400mg test a week for 12 weeks. yes you will need AI arimidex and PCT yes Nolvadex and HCG is optional
at 41 i would go ahead and do 400mg test a week for 12 weeks. yes you will need AI arimidex and PCT yes Nolvadex and HCG is optional

Thank you iron Julius-- so to be clear- I need to run arimidex with the test correct? If so, what dose would you recommend and for how many times per day?

Then Novadex two weeks after the last pin, what dose and how many times per day? Also will I see ANY results from 250? the reason Im asking is because I was looking to keep sides low and be careful, I was thinking I could do 500 the next time around.

I have over 10 years of lifting experience and cats in the gym always ask me what im using and say i have an impressive body, I just want to see what my top potential would be. I tried to post a pic but this board keeps failing to upload.
adex .25mg every other day the entire cycle and PCT. yes nolva start 10-14 days after last pin if using Test E. you would see results from 250mg a week and can up the dose if you feel like it. remember test e wont kick in for 2 weeks your T levels will rise slowly that first 2 weeks
IronJulius sounds spot on for your cycle. If you d go higher with the Test I (personally) would up the adex to .5 eod..
Welcome. 250 really is just slightly higher than TRT. If you are wanting strength increase and muscle building, you may want to consider 400 week instead. You might not see a whole lot on that low dosage. Whatever you decide, good luck with your first cycle.
ill put it like this my T levels were 290s when i started TRT test C at 100mg a week it took 2 months before my levels reached 700 and thats with pharm grade test
got it

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Welcome. 250 really is just slightly higher than TRT. If you are wanting strength increase and muscle building, you may want to consider 400 week instead. You might not see a whole lot on that low dosage. Whatever you decide, good luck with your first cycle.

Thank , i may have to consider more

- - - Updated - - -

ill put it like this my T levels were 290s when i started TRT test C at 100mg a week it took 2 months before my levels reached 700 and thats with pharm grade test

Welcome. 250 really is just slightly higher than TRT. If you are wanting strength increase and muscle building, you may want to consider 400 week instead. You might not see a whole lot on that low dosage. Whatever you decide, good luck with your first cycle.

good on ya mate