
  1. drtbear1967

    Starting a new program.

    I am starting a new program. The first three weeks are basically a nutritional detox of your entire diet. The program doesn't recommend that you train during the first three weeks. This is due to your body getting use to all the changes that it is going through. It is my goal to get as shredded...
  2. drtbear1967

    Tips to supercharge your workouts

    I used to follow all of the “rules of bodybuilding”. “Make sure you eat within 20 minutes of your workouts” “Simple sugars and EXACTLY 50 grams of protein post workout” “Cardio will keep you from gaining size” “Low reps for growth, high reps for definition” I could go on and on with this list...
  3. drtbear1967

    Markus Ruhl - The Mass Monster

    If you loved bodybuilding in the early 2000’s and you loved to pysch yourself out before, during, and after lifting, then chances are you loved Das Freak, the German Beast, Markus Ruhl. This was a legit a mass monster – still is – and he trained like a monster. From the early 2000’s till right...
  4. N

    The market

    Off topic from lifting but given the recent pandemic and shit i am forced to work from home. So i went back into trading full time since my job has me on leave. Stock market can be amazing i have made more doing it than working lol but sometimes ya lose and well that blows. anyone else get...
  5. drtbear1967

    Prayers for Ric Drasin

    As fans of legendary bodybuilder and wrester Ric Drasin, we’re all praying for our hero’s recovery, as the former Muscle Beach icon is said to be in the hospital after issues arose with a knee surgery he’d had some years ago. Drasin, who was a fixture of the golden era of bodybuilding, has...
  6. T

    Soooo how busy is yr gym?

    I reopened mine June 1 due to the prior lockdown and its never been slower :( The stat I heard was 60% of members of facilities are not coming back which will spell doom for many gyms, luckily I carry no biz debt and have only minimal personal living expenses so I just may survive, OTOH my...
  7. J

    King and I want to know

    What's everyone favorite thing to do/hobby besides the gym life?
  8. Presser

    Training in gym with masks on.

    Anyone having a hard time training with a mask on? Its fucking retarded and our gyms just opened up and theirs talk of shutting down again. I just wear a cloth i tie as my mask. But it still sucks
  9. D

    New guy

    Just introducing myself. Finally had surgery to correct an elbow issue that's had me out of the gym for 2 years. Totally honest, the board I was on that had my favorite source has disappeared during that time, and I'm looking all over the place trying to find him again lol. I'm sure it's against...
  10. Presser

    Its Official Now - 24 Hour Fitness Gym Chain Closed 100 Locations after it Filed for Bankruptcy

    We brought you this story a couple months ago with golds gym and as well as many other big gyms, as well as the writing on the wall for 24 hour fitness chain, and now its official! Very Sad! On Monday, the fitness chain announced that it was “implementing a financial restructuring, through a...
  11. yellow snow

    Dumb ass's at the gym

    Since I am getting back to the gym it is painfully obvious what morons workout there. I know I feel like an old man 'get off my lawn' but I got to vent. What is it about the morons that have beat headphones on that are doing a rap battle between sets ( you guys that do air guitar between sets...
  12. Presser

    Home Gym

    I gave all my shit away years ago! Dumb! I envy you guys and gals with a set up
  13. Presser

    Whos able to still train and how?

    Anyone able to train anywhere? I dont think there is a single gym open in the entire country. I envy you guys with home gym setups
  14. Presser

    Sick as Hell last few days, Scary time to be sick too & Do not go to gym all sick and shit

    So, i feel like a million dollars right now, as i was sick like i was on my death bed last week through much of this weekend! Anyhow, first thought was of course this Corona Virus bullshit that my phone sends me new notifications for every five minutes lmao. Shit had me worried if im being...
  15. Boomer

    Just my 2c and experience with Tren

    Just thought I'd share my experience so far with tren. So I actually started with 30mg dbol daily and 500mh test e for the 1st 5 weeks then dropped the dbol and upped test to 750. . I did gain fast water weight as expected with bp headaches. .to be honest I didn't like the dbol...ran test at...
  16. T

    Best body fat tests

    So what you all think is the best way to measure BF? My gym uses skinfold, bioimpedance and measurements. All basic stuff trouble is all the results are all over the place, the one I did on a member was 25%, then 30% then 41% using the above methods leaving me think they are all very...
  17. Presser

    Shawn Rhoden Looks BEASTLY Doing Massive Deadlifts

    Shawn Rhoden Looks BEASTLY Doing Massive DeadliftsShawn Rhoden Looks Like An Animal In Recent Gym Footageby Derek Hall Shawn Rhoden is currently not able to compete as a bodybuilder. Nevertheless, he is staying active in the gym, as evident by a recent gym video. Rhoden is the winner of the...
  18. drtbear1967

    Cardio Timing.

    When you perform both cardio and strength training in your routine, it is important to consider that cardio can interfere with muscle and strength development [1]. The timing at which you do cardio and strength training helps you minimize this "interference effect". - If we look at the research...
  19. drtbear1967

    Landmine row gym hack

    This is just a small gym hack for the landmine row that I found out months after I first started training that completely changed how I performed the exercise. - 1. Use multiple smaller plates instead of the big 45lbs/20kg plate as this will allow you to bring the bar close to you, increasing...
  20. drtbear1967

    Deadlifts - Don't do this!!!

    This is something I see pretty often in the gym and I cringe every single time I see it. - You should not hyperextend your lower back when you deadlift. The deadlift ends when your hips and knees are locked and your shoulders line up with your hips. - Hyperextending squeezes the spine and...