
  1. 9

    10 Times Big MMA Star Matches Happened in Other Combat Sports

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QeCgv37myPo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. R


    Hello all, I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself. Im 46 and returned to the gym about a year ago, after a 3 year stent away. my life consist of a wife of 15 years and 2 boys 10 and 4. Yes I know im 46 and have a 4 year old, happy wife happy life right. I am a student...
  3. drtbear1967

    Understanding the Science.

    It is important to remember that a study finding almost always is an AVERAGE result of a group. This means that a certain individual on a workout or diet might have effects ABOVE or BELOW average. . People will use this as an excuse to why they don't trust science, claiming that they are...
  4. H

    IGF lr3, Ligandrol, Stenabolic, oh my...

    Hi everyone, I’m J. Really impressed with the knowledge, dedication, and help that this community stands for. Been reading through everything that I can for a couple weeks and just as I thought I knew something, it’s starting to jumble in my mind. If anyone has a moment, I could use some...
  5. R

    Looking for some suggestions

    I am fairly new to this. I have been running some light cycles for about 6 or 7 years. Such as a cut mix tren, prop and masteron. Winnie and suston, prop and tren E. I usually just run a cycle in the summer just to give me a little boost as I get older. With that being said I am a lean 6'7 and...
  6. drtbear1967

    Can Phil make a Comeback in 2019?

    CAN PHIL REGROUP AND COME BACK IN 2019 TO RECAPTURE HIS TITLE? What Should We Expect In 2019 from Phil Heath? As we have seen year after year, it’s extremely difficult to dethrone the Mr. Olympia champ. In all the years, there have only been 14 different winners. Personally, I love the look...
  7. T

    DPO labs?

    anyone try these guys?i bought some cialis,waited an hour before some good times and it did absoutely nothing. I personally use cialis for the nitric oxide affect and there was 0 vascularity effects,absolutely shit. I asked for a refund and the clown blocked me and booted me from his board. So...
  8. S

    Question on how much pct to take.

    I had all my cycles I've done in my iphone saved but lost all of it when I jumped ship to a droid . I'm 510 195 around 12% bf . So this is my cycle I'm about to do. 700 mg/ week test e 1-16 weeks 150 mg eod npp 1-14 75 mg eod tren This is my first cycle with tren though. I've ran 500 test...
  9. drtbear1967

    Whole - Body Split = Is it Right for You?

    Is a Whole-Body Split Right for You? . by Charles Staley . People who use this split usually train 3 days a week. Each workout addresses both lower and upper-body muscle groups, although not with the same exercises each workout. . The Pros . • With the whole-body split, each muscle group gets...
  10. S

    Having trouble sending money overseas with western union

    I've tried buying some ephedrine from the Ukrain through western union but they keep rejecting it. I tried telling em it was makeup my gf uses and weve bought it several times with no problem. Any suggestions?
  11. T

    For older lifters like me who still use

    Being 58, I'm having one helluva time retaining body weight, just 8 yrs ago I was 245 now I'm arounnd 205 give or take. I use almost same dose of gear, same anabolics and eat 5-6 times a day. Not shocking my strength has dropped considerably from then which seems to be about the age when older...
  12. Presser

    How do you like our New Front Page of MuscleChemistry.com?

    Curious about everyones thoughts on our new front page here? Especially On Your mobile smart phones, and of course desktops (if anyone uses desk top anymore) Anyhow, its an entirely new platform, Literally 1 million times more SEO friendly and its Mobile Friendly Responsive for your Smart...
  13. Presser

    Natural female physiques versus women who use anabolic steroid.

    Even though men and women have distinguishable characteristics, you might come across some woman who look like they're built like a man because of drug-enhancing supplements combined with a substantial amount of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding requires resistance training to control and build up...
  14. TravisBLKMACH

    Has anyone dealt w/ pct-shop lately?

    I have been using them for a few years and all their stuff is great...but I have emailed him several times recently with no response. Does anyone else here know where he went?
  15. A

    Will Nandrolone propionate reduce body fat?

    1.Nandrolone Propionate powder is used for chronic consuming disease, severe burning, before-after surgery healing fractures and osteoporosis, premature and stunted for children, also for inoperable breast cancer dysfunctional uterine bleeding uterine fibroids etc.Nandrolone Propionate usage for...
  16. Dean Destructo

    Well... Divorce starts tomorrow...

    Yeppers Good times for all.
  17. 9

    10 Times MMA Math Was Proven Totally Wrong

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TX_vnnFAcJM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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    10 Times UFC Champions Got Absolutely Dominated

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LoT1DHwA7ds?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. S

    Kinda bummed

    So i tried a new place 2 times now. And when doing a test only cycle. I dont really get a good pump. The first times i tried i felt like my muscles were going blow up and explode. I want that feeling again. Im not doing anything different. Could it be the test?
  20. 9

    The Next 5 Weeks in MMA

    good times ahead!