AI's,and gyno


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Have a question for some experienced vets. I am very gyno prone, I'm currently on my third week of 650 mg of test e, 500 mg of deca, and 50 mg of dbol. My gyno keeps wanting to start flaring up so I have been taking 20 mg of nolvadex in the morning and 20 at night along with 10 mg of aromasin every 3 or 4 days. I know the body needs estrogen in order to grow so I did not want to over do it with the AI'S. My theory which I need some input on was that it will be better to take a larger dose of nolvadex instead of nolvadex and aromasin everyday. Can anyone recommend the maximum dosage of nolvadex, and or the best route to go in this situation? The 40mg of nolvadex seems to be keeping it at Bay, but every few days it will flare up again including this morning. Any feedback is always greatly appreciated .

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Now this is just me but I run lots of test so I have to keep the AI in check as to not grow tits. I only usle nolva as the second plan after a mass has started that's bigger than I like and if it's bad then last resort Letro. But first things first what AI are you using? I use aromasin mainly but I also keep Adex on hand also and I take the aromasin tabs EOD or sometimes every 3 days until I feel my nips get sensitive. These are for control of estrogen. Nolva does something different which is shutting the receptors down and not allowing anymore growth. Letro is last resort and in my case will eat the tissue that grew up and reduce it usually but it will completely crash your estrogen. After letro you I have estrogen rebound so I have to start taking an AI after I come off of letro to keep the same shit from happening again. With your 19 nors like Deca I like to take cabergoline as well .5mg EOD.
I run Adrex as my AI and it keeps all side effects at bay. My current cycle is 400mg Test, 300Mg Tren, first 4 weeks 100mg adrol and privoron at 50mg about to up it to 75 then 100mg. I use ADrex .5mg every 2 days and have zero side effects. Thiz has personally worked for me and the 4 others I help out with AAS.
Now this is just me but I run lots of test so I have to keep the AI in check as to not grow tits. I only usle nolva as the second plan after a mass has started that's bigger than I like and if it's bad then last resort Letro. But first things first what AI are you using? I use aromasin mainly but I also keep Adex on hand also and I take the aromasin tabs EOD or sometimes every 3 days until I feel my nips get sensitive. These are for control of estrogen. Nolva does something different which is shutting the receptors down and not allowing anymore growth. Letro is last resort and in my case will eat the tissue that grew up and reduce it usually but it will completely crash your estrogen. After letro you I have estrogen rebound so I have to start taking an AI after I come off of letro to keep the same shit from happening again. With your 19 nors like Deca I like to take cabergoline as well .5mg EOD.
I have cabre on hand, what I'm running now is 20 mg nolvadex in the morning 20 mg at night and I take 12.5 mg of aromasin about every 3 to 4 days. However I'm going to start taking the aromasin everyday at 12.5, I'll probably keep taking the nolvadex since it's not an anti estrogen because you need estrogen to grow and I don't want to kill it all. I'm also going to drop my D dbol and switch to tbol. I'm also going to get blood work done Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm hoping when I get the bloodwork and I posted up on here one of you vets will be able to help me out with reading it I mean I'm not a newbie I've been doing this for about 13 years however I've always had a problem with gyno..

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I run Adrex as my AI and it keeps all side effects at bay. My current cycle is 400mg Test, 300Mg Tren, first 4 weeks 100mg adrol and privoron at 50mg about to up it to 75 then 100mg. I use ADrex .5mg every 2 days and have zero side effects. Thiz has personally worked for me and the 4 others I help out with AAS.
Thank you brother for work works for some does not work for everyone now everybody's body is made up different, and reacts differently to different compounds. I have ran 400 mg of test e how long with 10 mg of aromasin everyday I have also ran it with one mg of Arimidex everyday and still have gotten flare-ups from the gyno. So like I said not everybody's body responds the same. I appreciate your feedback though.

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BM this is best approach.
If u have a gyno mass take nolva at 40 s day for a couple days reduce to 10 every 2 days and then stay on 10 mg a day on cycle or EVERY cycle.

If u have a mass u take letro take letro at 2.5 for a day then 1.25 two days then 0.5 a day for a week
Then stay on a maintaince dose of letro.

Aromasin or adex will do NOTHING FOR GYNO
They only will prevent it but not reverse.
Only way to reverse is starve tissue of estro.
If u on 19nor then u need caber at .5 @2 times per week do it 3 first week if research grade.

Finally letro and nolva stop each other's effectiveness by using same major enzyme to metabolize but this is only option.
If u have gyno issues then it's best u run 10 mg nolva with all your cycles from now on with adex because they get along better than letro
Aromasin works but not as well as other two
Some people think it works better because it is not as easy to crash estro and most people take alot more of it than other two.

Letro doesn't cause more estro to come back.
Adex does the identical thing with "rebound"
I have studied and researched this topic enough to gather real evidence and not from forums!!!

It's really simple aromasin is suicide because it binds and deforms or retards each enzyme bound to until metabolized.
Once metabolized they are excreted from our body just like every other hormone we take except these enzymes are much shorter lived than out ester roids! Lol
Letro adex compete with and occupy against aromatase.
But they have a half life. So does aromasin but it retards the ones bound to. So they unable after half life of aromasin ends.
Back to adex letro they have remain to compete so rebound only means if u let half life run out or stop too soon then the ones bound to can become active to aromatase but only the ones not metabolized yet, all of rest are not stored and keep they metabolized and excreted.
Do rebound only means these that can become active rebound regain control with no competitor like a basket ball game rebound mean regain control not more!!!
Lots if confusion on this.
Mechanism of action explains it all of all of them and so do studies.
I have read countless bull on this.
It's nolva that doesn't Lower estro and if u stop estro that is current can get to areas blocked!

If u stop adex or letro or aromasin the same thing will take place in aromatasing steroids or out system.
If u stop a competor before the competition is over do the math.
Adex and letro win at enzymes as long as they remain till they excreted and metabolized.
U take a dose more than once a week to stop this and bind to other enzymes of aromatase.
They all Lowe estro because they bind and stop process. And the old estro it doesn't kill it. It Lowers because it too get metabolized and excreted.
All hormones do it not we would one have to do one cycle for life!!

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I get fatty tissue in chest when I gain bf% like say 13% on up.
But I get no nothing no matter what. I only use so to stop bloat I use nolva at 10 mg a day throughout blast just in case and not much ai!
My approach for control and protection is proviron and masterone these lower my estro a safer way than aromasin.
If i am running a high amounts I use an ai but I don't have to much if I have supply of proviron and masterone.
I run mast high for this.
I also keep test at 750-1000 wk
And only other that high would be masterone
The rest I keep under 600
That's is me I tried all ways and I watch my bloods every 6 months and no ai good bloods.
Mast and proviron lipids good liver good kidney good.
Ai's bye bye lipids!!! Then the health issues start with bp and what not!

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for the record, Nolvadex aka Tamoxifen took my gyno soft tissue under the nipples away completely. I posted this like 15 years ago, but ill say it agin, I had paid my first Gyno Surgery Down payment already as I had it scheduled with a plastic surgeon who specialized in this shit, and had my hospital room booked and then read about nolvadex and tried it myself at 40mg daily for I think it was a week, and then down to 20mg for a while more, can’t remember precisely honestly, but it HONEST TO GO, took the lumps away to the point I didnt need surgery lmao, and lost down payment due to them using it towards booking hospital room for that days surgery.

And im ok with that, it beat having to get gyno surgery lmao!

Now I understand it (nolvadex) will not do this once the tissue has hardened, and is to dense to kill! Then surgery is needed, but what a lot of guys do not realize is even if it feels like a hard lump under your nipple, like mine did, it still may not have solidified to the point only surgery can help, it can feel hard under the nip[ple and still be considered a soft tissue build up and be treated with nolvadex, and I would not use anything else with it in the anti aromatase department, and I would also take my gear down to a low testosterone only dosage.

Anyhow, if it were me Bigmills, I would ONLY be using the Nolvadex!!!
for the record, Nolvadex aka Tamoxifen took my gyno soft tissue under the nipples away completely. I posted this like 15 years ago, but ill say it agin, I had paid my first Gyno Surgery Down payment already as I had it scheduled with a plastic surgeon who specialized in this shit, and had my hospital room booked and then read about nolvadex and tried it myself at 40mg daily for I think it was a week, and then down to 20mg for a while more, can’t remember precisely honestly, but it HONEST TO GO, took the lumps away to the point I didnt need surgery lmao, and lost down payment due to them using it towards booking hospital room for that days surgery.

And im ok with that, it beat having to get gyno surgery lmao!

Now I understand it (nolvadex) will not do this once the tissue has hardened, and is to dense to kill! Then surgery is needed, but what a lot of guys do not realize is even if it feels like a hard lump under your nipple, like mine did, it still may not have solidified to the point only surgery can help, it can feel hard under the nip[ple and still be considered a soft tissue build up and be treated with nolvadex, and I would not use anything else with it in the anti aromatase department, and I would also take my gear down to a low testosterone only dosage.

Anyhow, if it were me Bigmills, I would ONLY be using the Nolvadex!!!
I agree because blocking estro in tissues will starve tissue of estrogen.
Women who are going thru breast cancer treatment don't resort to AI's until after quiet some time due to be coming resistant or immune to Nolva I guess would be the way to put it.

I use nolva for my cycles and blast where ever possible. Not ai's!!!
All this talk about times have changed and this and that.
Yeah they have or not exactly!
Bloat and water can be controlled in other ways. Nolva will not hurt u, but ai's may and lipids are important.
I am not gonna hurt myself for an ai.
And if nolva is used on cycle like I think it should be on aromatasing one u not gonna get gyno.
10 mg nolva a day. MC nolva bloat is all I ran since February

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I agree because blocking estro in tissues will starve tissue of estrogen.
Women who are going thru breast cancer treatment don't resort to AI's until after quiet some time due to be coming resistant or immune to Nolva I guess would be the way to put it.

I use nolva for my cycles and blast where ever possible. Not ai's!!!
All this talk about times have changed and this and that.
Yeah they have or not exactly!
Bloat and water can be controlled in other ways. Nolva will not hurt u, but ai's may and lipids are important.
I am not gonna hurt myself for an ai.
And if nolva is used on cycle like I think it should be on aromatasing one u not gonna get gyno.
10 mg nolva a day. MC nolva bloat is all I ran since February

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When did you get the Nolva-bloat from us? I ask cause we used a new vendor for that specifically, and curious if your bottle was an old bottle u had sitting around from our old vendor, or the newer nova-bloat. Believe it or not, people , well just 2, but 2 people went out of there way to email me about how well it worked and I never get those kind of emails from members about the anti aromatase products.

Anyhow, I was just curious
When did you get the Nolva-bloat from us? I ask cause we used a new vendor for that specifically, and curious if your bottle was an old bottle u had sitting around from our old vendor, or the newer nova-bloat. Believe it or not, people , well just 2, but 2 people went out of there way to email me about how well it worked and I never get those kind of emails from members about the anti aromatase products.

Anyhow, I was just curious
What you gave me was the nolva-bloat, which is what I'm still taken and as of now don't have any gyno . That also stop it has to do with the fact that I dropped the dbol, but I still believe that the nolva- bloat is some good stuff.. I also had some of your letro on hand in case I would have needed it, but luckily I did not thanks to you..

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When did you get the Nolva-bloat from us? I ask cause we used a new vendor for that specifically, and curious if your bottle was an old bottle u had sitting around from our old vendor, or the newer nova-bloat. Believe it or not, people , well just 2, but 2 people went out of there way to email me about how well it worked and I never get those kind of emails from members about the anti aromatase products.

Anyhow, I was just curious
In will look but I got it in February and it worked I am still using 10 mg a night.
I even got all emotional the first two weeks on it.
I haven't use any AI at all. And I dried up pretty good in my cut.
Maybe .75 MC adex a week that's it.
Proviron and mast help but I ran a good blast before my cut.
I need more please sir. I will pm u soon.
I have Pharma blisters but don't wanna switch. Lol

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In will look but I got it in February and it worked I am still using 10 mg a night.
I even got all emotional the first two weeks on it.
I haven't use any AI at all. And I dried up pretty good in my cut.
Maybe .75 MC adex a week that's it.
Proviron and mast help but I ran a good blast before my cut.
I need more please sir. I will pm u soon.
I have Pharma blisters but don't wanna switch. Lol

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Now that's funny mechanic.. I thought pressure was talking to me when he asked me if I got the Nolva-bloat? Lol... however by the looks of things I guess he was talking to you. I guess we were both lucky enough to have presser take care of us..

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