Anabolics, Competitions, and the Journey to a 500lbs bench

Well not sure how I missed this shit right here but damn bro "Beast Mode"
great work man, keep it up cant wait to see the next meet and where you progress.

Thinking of running a test of IGF and review it
Gonna see if anyone wants to sponsor it

Never successfully ran the stuff always been bunk

Yes that's a challenge

Show me what people "rave" about

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never mind i just found this post, so now i know what you were talking about lol, if we were a new company trying to prove ourselves, i might consider it. But were not!
never mind i just found this post, so now i know what you were talking about lol, if we were a new company trying to prove ourselves, i might consider it. But were not!

Guess someone else should jump on it
I'd like it see some real IGF in my recomp phase

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Guess someone else should jump on it
I'd like it see some real IGF in my recomp phase

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No one else here is allowed to sell IGF, so i don't see it happening brutha. nor would you be allowed to review any other companies product here. simple business model my man. sorry
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First squat day in over 20 days, a bit rough but I'm all healed up and my bruising is gone.

Didn't do much, safety bar with 80lbs in chains each side

385 plus chains for one

Wasn't quite a good day

After that I worked on speed deadlifts and glute ham raises

Followed by a new accessory movement to prevent myself from hunching over in the squat

Tomorrow bench :)

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Worked up to 80% for 5 sets of 3 nothing crazy
On the amrap exercises I pulled my pec a little

Nothing too bad I lowered all the weights to complete the workout and am gonna hope I'm healed by Thursday and if not I will just take a little week off and resume once recovered

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Chest day, didn't make it through the injury in the area connecting my pec and delt is still injured
More time off, nothing heavy until next Thursday and I will see how I feel
Did some accessory work and felt the urge for a pic
Progress ??? I think so


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Well my physique is still solid, in my opinion :) But damn I dissapointed about this partial pec tear/ or whatever we want to call it.

Lord heal me !

Legs tomorrow.

Sunday I am not going to be benching... going to give it a solid week of recovery. Who knows what I will be doing ! ahhh the stress

Managed to hit some speed work today without much issue, felt good and fast
Hoping to get back to my program next Thursday, hopefully I'm healed up.

The DB work went well through in the bands to add some resistance and then of course got some triceps and back work in

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Current cycle, feel free to chime in. Keeping it moderate.

Test 400mg/week
Deca 250mg/ week
Anavar 40mg a day (May increase, thoughts?)

Starting this week I start Dbol
20mg/ day (taken with each main meal. Meal 1, meal 3, meal 5, Meal 7) - each tab 5mg
Okay, first let's get this out the way. I needed to lift tonight... Period. My pec / delt tie in is still very aggravated. I decided to use a two board to lessen the stretch (shortening the rom) and to lift heavy with the multiply sling shot, really today was a massive overload day so there will be nothing even remotely heavy Sunday.

Perhaps I will restart my training cycle that I began once my pec heals. Makes me so frustrated to have to work around an injury and the added risk of lifting heavy loads... Yes the heavy should have been avoided but damnit I needed it today so I took it slow and pushed the envelope within the safety net of the sling and board

However you cut it it was a great lift. Before my last competition I got 590 off the chest with the sling. Today I got 610 off the two board.... Improvement ? Hard to say. Shorter Rom yes but also less pop off the chest due to that fact with the sling. So who knows, I'm happy with the lift.

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I'm dealing with the same pec into delt injury. It sucks. I aggravated it again this week and I wasn't lifting anything near as heavy as you. 4th set, 12th rep with 285 and I felt it separate a little. You know the tearing sound/feeling. Then the pain. You're still killing it bro. That's awesome!
I'm dealing with the same pec into delt injury. It sucks. I aggravated it again this week and I wasn't lifting anything near as heavy as you. 4th set, 12th rep with 285 and I felt it separate a little. You know the tearing sound/feeling. Then the pain. You're still killing it bro. That's awesome!

Weight doesn't matter sometimes brother. I hurt mine benching 365... and Im a 450+ bencher... Benched 480 in competion raw. December 7th
530 on the squats on last attempt, raised it from 520 my second attempt that I failed. After failing you shouldn't raise the weight but things happened and I made it happen !

Had to cut today short due to a trip but hit 530 reverse band squat (50 to 60lbs bands)

After squats hit some cleans and box jumps, my cleans were ugly, box jumps still require a lot of work. Need to develop that explosion.

Tomorrow after chest I will hit some back and glutes that I missed today

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