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i started with a search and tomany to sift through . so witch is the best and whats the effect of each heres what im running
eq- 400wk1-10
winny50 eod6-10

had some iching i think i paronoid but im getting some and need profiles thanks for replies
Presser said:
femera is best in my book

Never used femara but heard good things bout it, I like liquidex, if it aint broke dont fix it is my motto and liquidex worked really really good for me. Proviron also stops the aromitization process almost completely.
this is all opinion and based on personal experiece--but i would go with liquidex---its readily available and cheap if you know where to look
I'm an arimidex man too....I just tried femara and liked it quite a bit too though. To keep it simple...on your cycle, I'd start with .25mg arimidex ED. You may not even need an anti-e on that low of a dose of test really depends on you though.
Here's how I rank the anti-e's: 1-Aromasin, 2-Femara, 3-Arimidex

Slight price differences between them, although I think 2 & 3 are much more potent than 1 (and 1 is darn good).

Also I believe that any cycle that includes test or dbol requires a heavy dose of anti-e's. Just because your nips don't itch that doesn't mean that your estrogen isn't through the roof. Excessive estrogen in a male is bad. For one estrogen is the smoking gun in prostrate cancer. Combine high estrogen & high dht (from cycling) and you're looking at trouble. Next estrogen is a "fat storage" hormone. How many of us out there put on a boatload of fat during a cycle? Lowering estrogen will keep fat gain to a minimum. I'd rather gain 12-15 during a cycle and keep 10 rather than 15-20 and keep 10.
i'm thinking of running 500mg icn a week ro six in a few months. what would be better armidex or femara? i'm super sensitve to estrogen so gyno is a major issue.