

New member
Hey guys just had a couple questions. Recent cycle of 350mg Test P/week & 300mg Tren/Week, ran for about 13 weeks. I PST with Clomid and Nolvadex but still have some current bloat. Which one of the Anti-Bloats would you guys recommend to kill the current bloat i have, now to keep it away for future.

Also im new to this site so what are each of those products to begin with and what are they best for Im assuming Nolva-Bloat = NolvaDex, Aqua-Dex = Arimadex, Aqua-Clo = Clomid, Anti-P = ?, Anti-Estro = ?

Thanks again!
hey bro if ur still experience bloat even after running the nolvadex then your problem is more then likely from the tren converting to progesterone which would mean you need an Anti-P like Dostinex, anti-e/letro wouldnt do anything for combatting the progesterone nor would the nolva ,dex and clo, so ur best bet is to grab some anti-p and that should do the trick brutha

also welcome to MuscleChemistry bro!!!

oh and those doses are very very low to the point where one wouldnt think you wouldnt have any issues that needed an anti-e or anti-p but you may be sensitive and out of the two substances ur using at those doses, you problem is more then likely from the tren brutha
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How long have been off? Nolvadex shouldn't give u a rebound...

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Was this your first cycle? Just wondering because if you've ran in the past then you might (like Presser said) be experiencing sides from the tren more so than the test. If you've ran before and never had a problem like this then it's obviously not the test. But more than likely it's progesterone and again the Anti-P will work just fine and you'll be good to go
Sorry guys been outta town. I never personally thought about progesterone. This was not my first cycle its 3. My fist was test alone at 400mg/week and the second was tren alone for 12 weeks at 350mg/week. I actually got bloat after the tren cycle in which it really screwed me mentally because I didn't run with test so it killed my natural production. So you guys think I should get the anti p?
Sorry guys been outta town. I never personally thought about progesterone. This was not my first cycle its 3. My fist was test alone at 400mg/week and the second was tren alone for 12 weeks at 350mg/week. I actually got bloat after the tren cycle in which it really screwed me mentally because I didn't run with test so it killed my natural production. So you guys think I should get the anti p?

yes bro u most definatly need an anti-p which we have in the mc store