back in action!

Oh yes :D I've been deployed here twice before for 5 months at a time, but being stationed here is a whole different ball game. I'm definitely making up for being stationed in ND for 8 fucking years!!!
I'd imagine! hehehe.
I pulled a girl out of Club USA and took her back to my room on Anderson. On the way there she was telling me about the moss that grows on the road, and since it had rained a little earlier, that I should be extra careful driving. While it seemed a little far fetched, I didn't think it was impossible. But when she started telling me that while I'm there, if I come upon a tree with a clearing at the bottom with no grass, I should turn and walk away as fast as I could, because the tree trolls would get me if I didn't. Now, while in my head I thought she lost it, I said outloud, "Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the warning". :thumbsup: Hey, she was retardedly hot and I'd been working for weeks on end. I wasn't going to kick her out just because she was a complete wacko! lol