blast cycles, anyone recommend them?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have no experience with these cycles. I usually only use longer esters. But I was considering trying a "blast" cycle with short esters. Ive heard of blast cycles of 4 weekish time frame and 6-8 weekish. Ester (i.e. suspension vs. prop) would be dependent on which type of blast I chose.

So who has experience with this? It doesnt seem to be the norm vs. longer cycles but a it does seem to work for a few. I figured it couldnt hurt to try, especially considering the longer cycle approach never really gave me satisfactory gains for my goals.

orals dont like my stomach much, so that elimates alot of my "blast" arsenal. But with suspension, acetate, and prop esters around for nearly every injectable, I think I can work around that.

What dosages are common for these blast cycles?
I've tried it for 4 weeks when I was powerlifting. I made pretty good gains from it. I used test prop, tern a and drol.
I did 100mg test p, 75mg tren a EOD and 100mg ED

fuck yeah thats a good combo....this is just my opinion, and what i would do if i were to hit those same compounds but every day, and do 200mgs prop everyday
To be honest my man, when I always did short esters my cycles were 8 weeks, 10 weeks and that was really it for me, cause my gains would not be any greater after 10 weeks when on short esters, it seemed like a waste to me. Doing that for some years way back and not knowing about the type of cycles such as "Blasting" and such. Only to find out that I was infact doing blasting. I'd add many orals tho, I'd have 3 orals going at once. Running short easter compounds is basicly a blast if you ask me. Don't get me wrong I love long esters and being on long, but short blast most deff kick harder, and feel better in such a short time, the sence of well being for me is almost instant. Deff good when your in a crunch and have a deadline for a goal. Exp 8 weeks till a gathering at a BBQ and you want to look at your best, You bet your bottom dollar I would smash 150-200mgs of prop ED, with UG Methandienone ( UG seems to have less bloat for me ), and proviron at 50-75mgs daily, and I was feeling great then on out.

Let us know how you make out.