

New member
Been on cruise now for 14 weeks at 100mg. prop EOD and getting ready to start blasting. What do you vets think?

1-5 prop 100ed
1-4 50mg. dbol ed
1-10 Enth. 800mg./week

Back to cruise at week 12 with prop/100/EOD

So hows it look? Also am able to add tren, just trying to stay in this sport for a long time. If I were to add the tren however what do you guys think about something like Ace weeks [email protected]?
Looks good,but i'm not a fan of D-bol as it all water,would take var if i had to a pick.Tren a is not as bad as most people think,but Tren e you can take the shot once a week not like the ed shot,but if you have no problem with shots every day then go for it.Best of luck!
I like it...looks good. Only thing I would add is an anabolic like EQ/deca.

Im not of fan of Tren because I cant handle the depression and mood but if you can stand it i think it's a good idea especially tren ace but it sounds like you dont mind being a pin cushion?.......and at the rear of the cycle it can benefit by possibly preventing stagnating gains......When you say "cruise" how long do you plan on staying on?
if you're gonna blast, hit the tren for 10 weeks. 75mg ed is fine if you can handle the sides.
Cyphon, on for life

drew, I've ran ace to 1050wk with no major problems. Ever since I decided to stay on though I try and keep it to a minimum.
I have 2 guys i train with off-and on and they have been on TNT(test e 250 &tren e 150mg) per ml,for almost 2 years straight at 1ml 400mg per ml,a total of 800mg a week and man do they look amazing.But these guy won't take oral anymore just not worth it for them.