Blood in bowels

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Hey guys,

A quick question since it's been freaking me out for a past 3-4 days. I've been bleeding every time I hit the can. It's fresh blood and I know it's not from any anal tear. Sorry for TMI but it seems to have contain fine bloody pieces of tissue. However, there is no pain.

I have just finished t3@ 60 mcg ed and Clen @ 120 mcg ed. A 3 week cycle.
In other orals I have been taking arimidex .5mg ed and Proviron 25mg ed for 3 weeks.
Also started HGH frag in last 4-5 days.

And of course all this is on the side of AAS cycle. T.Prop 800mg, tren 500mg, Masteron 500mg per week.

I am not sure what is causing the bleed but I would be inclined to blame orals. But not sure which one.

Any insights/advices will highly appreciated!


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Prob just a rectal bleed, pretty common. I have had them especially doing a cycle when Im dehydrated...

EDIT: If your seeing actual blood in the can, its likely a rectal bleed. I get them if Im too dehydrated or have protein shits. If your turd is actually discolored with blood then you have something going on higher up the plumbing...
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Yes the orals can cause bloody or tary stools. And tatzoo is right. Blood in the bowl or on your paper when you wipe is probably a bleed from the rectum, either a rectal bleed or torn hemorrhoids. Blood in your stool is higher up. Possibly a bleeding ulcer. If it continues, I might try discontinuing the orals and see if stops after a few days to a week. If it doesn't stop, it might be a good idea to get it checked out. Depending how irritating it is and how much blood your passing. Keep us updated...
Get off the t3 man. Not saying thats what caused it but that shit fucked me up. Brought back some bad old injuries. Broke down some muscle and made me hurt like hell. So yeah I wouldnt doubt a bit that t3 could cause some bleeding with its highlu destructive properties. But I had the same thing while back. Went away for a while then came back. Then went away again. Hasnt happened in a long time. Not sure what is was but one time I filled the toilet with blood. Kinda freaked me out but I lived. Not happend in years now.
Ive had this happen a few times. I've always heard as long as its not dark blood you should be fine.

- - - Updated - - -

Could also be a small pollup bursting causing it too. That's what I had a Dr. tell me.
my first thought would be hemmoroids but it could be something else,

and if its dark blood it from farther up the digestive system if its bright "fresh" blood its lower more like rectal or hemmoroids.
Thanks a lot guys! It's very relieving to know that this is not an uncommon problem.
As an immediate measure I've laid off T3. (I have a strong feeling like "goodness" mentioned that my body does not take it well)
And am taking Adex and Proviron after a meal instead of empty stomach.
Since it is fresh blood and not dark, as you guys mentioned it must be from lower bowels probably a small fissure.
I'm thinking I'll wait it out for a day or two to observe volume of blood loss etc before I see a doc.

Thanks again! It is highly appreciated!!!

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I get bloody stool all the time. It's no big deal. Likely your just like me and have a problem relaxing the asshole. Pushing big loads out of a tight ass is gonna draw blood.
I think I've bled for a couple of weeks the last few times I've tried creatine. Not sure why, but I'm pretty sure it's been the creatine causing it somehow.
Also sometimes really salty food can cause it for me. But thankfully it's gone now. Just like that. Just a a few drops of blood now and again from asshole tear. But that's been there for half a decade or more lol

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I got a checkup yesterday and the Dr. told me to stop taking ibuprofen that may very well be causing the blood I had in my stool. I also have to dookie on a stick 3 times and turn it in to her lol
I got a checkup yesterday and the Dr. told me to stop taking ibuprofen that may very well be causing the blood I had in my stool. I also have to dookie on a stick 3 times and turn it in to her lol

Make sure you are not having ibuprofen on an empty stomach. It's hard on GI tract. It can for sure cause bleed.

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If you shit black it's digested blood. The last two times I took animal m stack or a lot of supps at once I would shoot a stream of strawberry syrup out before the brownie was ready. The first time it happened I thought of the Seinfeld episode with the rat hat and the kenny rogers chicken "well that's not good." "That's not gonna be good for anybody." But it went away. You could have a small tear on a small hemorhoid or rectum.
If you shit black it's digested blood. The last two times I took animal m stack or a lot of supps at once I would shoot a stream of strawberry syrup out before the brownie was ready. The first time it happened I thought of the Seinfeld episode with the rat hat and the kenny rogers chicken "well that's not good." "That's not gonna be good for anybody." But it went away. You could have a small tear on a small hemorhoid or rectum.

good info as i totally forgot that black poop was bad, and we get a lot of these questions here and i forgot about mentioning that last couple times, i also think theirs a health difference ( good or bad) if your shit sinks or floats lol, GOD i love this subject lol!
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