Couple Starter Photos of "Presser"

How are the quads coming along...the size starting to come back ?

not bad but not great, like i said this synvisc has realy helped, and i havent squatted like this in a long time, so hopefully that helps, its mostly my right knee so the right quad is slightly smaller the the left,
can you do leg presses or smith squats ... I mostly do leg presses, and smith squats, with lunges (in smythe machine) some hack squats, leg extensions and thats about it for quads...I dont as heavy as I use to...(my knees bother me to at times) but I hold on to my size, maybe not quite as big as I was in my early twentys, but that may because my upper body is alot bigger now than it use to be...(I use to be bottom heavy)
can you do leg presses or smith squats ... I mostly do leg presses, and smith squats, with lunges (in smythe machine) some hack squats, leg extensions and thats about it for quads...I dont as heavy as I use to...(my knees bother me to at times) but I hold on to my size, maybe not quite as big as I was in my early twentys, but that may because my upper body is alot bigger now than it use to be...(I use to be bottom heavy)

yeah i leg press, and squatt on smith machine, and hack squat ocassionaly, I mean I guess you wouldnt know i needed knee replacements by watching me workout or by looking at my legs, but i know they arent near as big as they should be
Thnx brutha man! Now its your turn bro! I know you have some recents so lets see em!

Yeah, I have some recent shots, but they nothing compared to yours. I still weigh the same! You need to come train me. :)
Yeah, I have some recent shots, but they nothing compared to yours. I still weigh the same! You need to come train me. :)

shit if presser trained you at least you wouldnt have to eat much lol, bunch of carbs before the gym and protein shakes and get huge. Lucky son of a bitch lol.
Yeah did I just scroll through the same pic 6x? Flex Press u wont pop:bber:
but seriously I hate having that problem, being 280lbs of muscle and no appetite, its a damn curse :D
Yeah did I just scroll through the same pic 6x? Flex Press u wont pop:bber:
but seriously I hate having that problem, being 280lbs of muscle and no appetite, its a damn curse :D

Next pics I'll post more variation
damn presser, you are very sexy. I might rub one out to those pics. Does that make me gay??