Create My Ultimate PCT


New member
Hey guys,
I've been a member here for quite some time..since i was 15-16 actually lol. Now I am 24 and am finishing my 3rd cycle. I ran 600mg of Test E from weeks 1-12 and from weeks 7-12 added in 50mg of Var daily. Also I ran .5mg arimridex every three days from week two onwards. MY results have been quite good , especially strength wise. I would like to keep as much of gains as possible and would like some input on pct from more experienced users. Please feel free to use anything in creating the PCT (clomid, nolva, creatine , hcg, natural test boosters, igf..etc) whatever you feel will provide me with the best retention. I am already prepared and have most of these available to me , just wondering what would be the best combination.
Hey guys,
I've been a member here for quite some time..since i was 15-16 actually lol. Now I am 24 and am finishing my 3rd cycle. I ran 600mg of Test E from weeks 1-12 and from weeks 7-12 added in 50mg of Var daily. Also I ran .5mg arimridex every three days from week two onwards. MY results have been quite good , especially strength wise. I would like to keep as much of gains as possible and would like some input on pct from more experienced users. Please feel free to use anything in creating the PCT (clomid, nolva, creatine , hcg, natural test boosters, igf..etc) whatever you feel will provide me with the best retention. I am already prepared and have most of these available to me , just wondering what would be the best combination.

well since you ran arimadex during your cycle, and your cycle wasn't that long, i would have to say you should be ok with some light clomid, and hcg at the end of your cycle!
well since you ran arimadex during your cycle, and your cycle wasn't that long, i would have to say you should be ok with some light clomid, and hcg at the end of your cycle!
This. And ultimate pct is 200 MG's per week of cyp or enth test :-)
Clomid & test booster for test support Creatine for cell volume MC IGF1 to help retain or even gain more.
</br> Triptorelin prior to PCT can be helpful as well. HMG/HCG there's a ton. Personally my best PCT was Torem/clomid mix after a 18 weeker or perhaps it was 24 weeks depends on if you include LGD 4033 as a potent anabolic or not. Anyway I ran Torem 90/60/30/30 clomid 50/50/25/25 & LCTC 4g ED, Creapure 20/10/10/5 Exemastane 12.5mg EOD (last 2 weeks to clear estrogen raise T & lower rebound chances) & Endosurge as directed free up Test clomid can increase SHGB from what I read.