Does anyone ever think about stopping it all


I don't mean working out but stopping all the supplement use and busting ass and just staying in "normal" good shape. It crosses my mind from time to time and I was just wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts.
Never! though I supplement very little I couldn't go without working out and busting ass in the gym... I told my last girlfriend "I promise to always look good naked"... I don't think you can do that without totally breaking yourself down and tearing shit up on a regular basis...


and even though she is gone, minus the small pecker I have held up to my end of the deal lol
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i dont mean stopping working out but go the all natural route and just doing it for mainly health and to look decent
When I take up residence in the Assisted Living Center maybe

Even then TRT will be necessary so you can chase that old saggy booty down the hall!

The reason why I haven't really started yet is I don't think I'd be able to stop... I literally dream about gear and getting bigger and just being a real force... and I've never done any (currently using MC IGF and addicted from the get go... sort of proves my point lol). So if I were to look toward the future, with the exception of Press's reasoning (kids) I don't think I would ever consider stopping once I start...
coming from the guy who took off a year, lol.

lol, Hey I was forced to , between needing my sperm back to have kids and then my neck needing a fusion , it was kind of out of my hands, but believe me when i tell ya, i wouldnt have taken off otherwise!!

I will say this though, my body needed the break, and i blew back up nicely, so the time off did do me good
Never if I have the choice. Even the few weeks here and there when I'm waiting on an order and run out are hell.
i can't stop...been on too long...if i stopped now i'd go into deep depression and end it all i'm sure
i can't stop...been on too long...if i stopped now i'd go into deep depression and end it all i'm sure

Damn bro didn't you just post a new picture today? I would have bet my last dollar you were clean lmao I crack myself up!!
Damn bro didn't you just post a new picture today? I would have bet my last dollar you were clean lmao I crack myself up!!

Damn!!! That was dirty!!! That's why I rarely post pics and only with a good pump Lol!!
I don't mean working out but stopping all the supplement use and busting ass and just staying in "normal" good shape. It crosses my mind from time to time and I was just wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts.
What do consider "Normal",? Never ever AAS again? I've tried that for a few years, not the best years of my life. I think once you cross that line, it's really difficult to go back to Normal. If your goals have been met and you've got all you wanted out of it, then I guess it's time to move on. I'll never stop 100%, maybe just down to 99.9%.
Maybe I'm the odd man out, but I got sick of worrying about the illegal aspects of BB. I'm no professional bodybuilder and just don't have the genetics for it. There is no real purpose for me to squat 700lbs and bench press 400lbs. Lifting heavy weights all those years has tore up my joints and isn't worth being a cripple in the future. I just don't want to worry about getting busted for something that doesn't provide me with any real purpose in my life. My main focus is just to stay in shape, get reasonably strong, and keep myself out of trouble. I dabble with some prohormones here and there, but that's about it. With how out of shape most of the public is it doesn't take much to be above average and I'm ok with just being above average.
No!!! And this is why from a girls pov... (a little tmi guys, sorry) I haven't had my monthly visitor in years!!! It's been great. I'm currently out of my stuff and I've had the worst cramps off and on for the past month. My poor body is so confused, lol! I forgot how much it SUCKS to be a girl.