Drama and Bodybuilding


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So honestly, how many of you can honestly say you have a drama free life? Wether it be work, kids, spouce, life, etc, you always have some sort of fckn drama going on. This part I can handle, but what I can't handle is when it starts to effect training. It just seems like sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can't get shit off your mind. WTF?!?!
I think you make a valid point here but it all depends on how willing you are to devote the time away from the everyday drama to train properly and seal yourself off from the BS while you get in much needed training.
Silk and I can do it most days, but occassionally nothing we do can save the workout. We usually just cut them short and go home to avoid an injury.
You have to really shut it the fuck out. Drama is increased when you talk to certain gossip mongers. I try to avoid them. The gym is like my oasis away from the bullshit of the world, its peace for me.
The only drama that effects me family and $ issues. It doesn't effect me in tge gym it really effects my apetite (sp?). When I'm stressed I just can't eat. It's nice to say I have been stress free for tge most part the last few months!
My only drama comes from the jealous dumbass jackasses that I work for. I'm putting applications out now.
Got plenty of drama in life, work, home...

Best thing I do is take it out on the iron. It aint gonna talk back or complain. All I have to do is focus on the problem and get fu@#!n' pissed!!

Kind of like the movie "Waterboy" and the reference to 'tackle fuel'
I have very little real drama, money is really our only issue. But, for the most part, I stay out of everyone's buisness and just keep to myself and my family. There is some drama, but not enough to effect my training or prep...if it does, then I get rid if the drama, which usually involes people...