Newly wed...for now. LoL I'm a laid back person so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm going to try to run a 10 week cycle. If I become a candidate for dick of the year I may drop down to 80mg twice a week.

lol, yeah tren ace equals shorter fuse,
lol, yeah tren ace equals shorter fuse,

Just know when that fuse it getting short and control it lol! Breathing helps lmfao !

Ok so 3rd week in on mega stack and gained 3lbs nice pounds i might add too. Pumps in the gym are nutz! Loving it
Newly wed...for now. LoL I'm a laid back person so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm going to try to run a 10 week cycle. If I become a candidate for dick of the year I may drop down to 80mg twice a week.

I figured I'd hopefully help you out with a wife's pov. I support my husband (The Dude) 1000% with this lifestyle. On top of that I live it myself (as much as I can being a female) Please please be careful with Tren. It almost ruined our marriage. I'm a very understanding individual and not one who take this commitment lightly, but Tren is the only thing The Dude and I agree he'd never use again. I won't get into our issues because they're old and we've worked through them, but we realized after the fact that Tren was a big contributing factor. I'm not trying to stop you from using it of course, but I just feel better sharing our experience with it. As long as you know you have to keep yourself in check then you should be fine. Also, I think someone mentioned this, but communicant with your wife that you might get a little testy at times.
Anyway, good luck reaching your goals and congrats!!!
Thanks Silk! I'm just now a week in on it. Mood, appetite and drive has been great. Hope it stays like this but have read it hits a lot of guys around week 3-4. I'm not having night sweats or trouble sleeping either, just staying hot all the time. I'll be able to tell how I handle it a little further in. Thanks for sharing your experience, it'll keep me more open minded. Glad you and the dude were able to put things aside and work through it! Thanks again.
Ok started yesterday 1ml EC megastack 600 and it was smooth!
233LBS this morning. Diet
rice, grits, oatmeal, sweet potato, green veg,
eggs, red meat, fish, chicken
training style Y3T some reason i don't seem to hurt myself while training like this
going to running 3mls a week
Any updates?
I've been eyeballing the ec megastack... Glad somebody tried it and reported. Guess it's time to pull the trigger.
Trigger pulled, ordered Thursday, now waiting on the mailman. Now that my chest is feeling better, let's see if I can get back in the swing of things.
If I were to run the megastack with tren, dbol and igf. What's the latest in the year you would start the cycle? In time to run a cutting stack before summer.
I kinda figured that lol I wanted to do a lean bulk cycle so I went with the megabolic and winny. I have about 5 more weeks left of it.
big question bro..

big question bro.. do you know whts the oils they use on the EC MEGASTACK 600? is it grape seed?