FinaDick, DecaDick-What gear is good at Leaving your Dick alone or even make it work


New member
I've used Dbol with no prob
Deca at low dose and shorter cycles didn't do much to my dick
I've read that some make your dick hypersensetive,but I didn't get that feeling.

What other Gears don't adversly effect your Dick or even make it work better.

My dick has a daily role to play in my life , I can't keep "Turning him off"
As everyone said.... go with Testosterone. Your dick will not only be fine, you will become the Punisher... women will be holding you off with cattle prods... ENjoy.
Test will help. Did Test and Decca no prob.

Ran fina w/o test, no good. I had to concetrate like I was taking the LSAT to keep it up.
25 mg of pinkies (Thai D-bol) before bed, and I wake sporting a nice tent. Alaways dose the trick for me (sorry if that was a little graphic)
as everyone else says test does the opposite, especially prop you'll have no problems with sex drive.
Sounds good and logical. I'll be trying Tren for the first time next cycle and I can't have that problem... So go buy some prop, use at a higher dose than Tren and I'll be good to go.

BTW-I'm using the enth/EQ that RIPPEDCHEF mentioned right now and I'm not having this problem, However I'm not getting the gains that I was shooting for either but I'm still happy with it.