First time ordering PSL

Just placed my first order with PSL and have some dbol and winn on the way. Currently taking 500 mg of test cyp per week, and my plan is to add the dbol into the mix for 4 weeks at 50mg per day. any thoughts or ideas from the experienced ones out there?
Awesome brother! Thanks for trying us out.

What are your goals for this cycle? Are you planning to use the winny at some point in this cycle too?
Love EP dbol I split the dose up am and pm you are gonna grow and get ready for some wicked back pumps
on the whinny now it's the best I have ever used I'm defined and hard the whinny really kicks ass I split it into three doses breakfast lunch and dinner
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Awesome brother! Thanks for trying us out.

What are your goals for this cycle? Are you planning to use the winny at some point in this cycle too?

Haven't decided yet but was thinking about doing the win either at the end of this cycle or waiting until the next. Still trying to put on size without putting on much fat.
Looking into primo and var for my first cycle from PSL. Top notch I heard? Wanna bring the BF% down but still add lean muscle. Early winter the plan is to run test and dbol. How's that sound?
Looking into primo and var for my first cycle from PSL. Top notch I heard? Wanna bring the BF% down but still add lean muscle. Early winter the plan is to run test and dbol. How's that sound?
Sorry bro
I can't give a lot of advice without more information give your diet/training and prior cycle use and we can get you right. you will also get more responses if you start your own thread.
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While I am obviously in a position to appear biased, I can honestly report the quality of PSL gear is top notch. I used PSL prior to ever becoming a rep and would never have put my reputation on the line by supporting a company that sold bunk gear. The quality is top notch, have no fear.