Gear talk


Lets get some more gear talk in here, what is everyone taking, what are you planning to take.

i have no idea what people take now days.
i was gonna run test/deca/drol/slin...but got too fat from nov-jan so

running test kickstarted with prop/tren e , kickstarted with tren a/drol/inj win...i'm enjoying this combo run so far
Test/e 700mg a week
Super DMZ 20mg Ed

Going to add:

100mg eod of tren
50mg of winny Ed

Next mix will take me into Novembers show but not sure what mix that will be yet. Test prop, TNE has been mentioned
I aint on shit and havent been for a long long time, as I had to get my sperm back and now the wife is almost 5 months pregnant with twins, so I know my body will soak the gear up if i get back on!

If I do it will be Test Enanthate 250mg amps (real Gear, NOT UG) lol. ANd i hope i blow back up, I came off 2 Marches ago!
Running Test E 500mgs a week for 20 weeks, Deca 600mgs a week for 12 weeks, and Tren 300mg for the first 6 weeks and last 7 weeks of cycle
dbol 5 week kick start with 600mg test e was gona only run test at 300mg as ive been off gear for over 2 years but wanted to run that with tren could not get the tren so bumped up the test..gona brew my own next time so i will have 100ml tren ace i think at 75mg per 1ml but thats of the top of my head as ive not brewed any for a long time..
im looking feeling good and go to brazil aprill for 3 weeks...cant wait yeah baby YEAH..:bench::bench:
running test E 1000 m.g , Sustanon 500 m.g , EQ 500 m.g , Deca 500 m.g , proviron 50 m.g ED 10 weeks so far , just started slin last week 8 U.I at the moment , couple of days more and i will be up to 10 U.I pwo 3 weeks more and will lower Test E to 500 m.g will drop the sustanon and add test p 200 EOD , tren ace 100 m.g EOD , EQ 750 m.g will try to reach 20 weeks and see how it goes , also will add some IGF towards the end with Clen and T3.
also i am running nolva 20 mg ED , aramidex 0.5 mg every 4th day , dostinex , at 0.5 every 3rd day.
running test E 1000 m.g , Sustanon 500 m.g , EQ 500 m.g , Deca 500 m.g , proviron 50 m.g ED 10 weeks so far , just started slin last week 8 U.I at the moment , couple of days more and i will be up to 10 U.I pwo 3 weeks more and will lower Test E to 500 m.g will drop the sustanon and add test p 200 EOD , tren ace 100 m.g EOD , EQ 750 m.g will try to reach 20 weeks and see how it goes , also will add some IGF towards the end with Clen and T3.also i am running nolva 20 mg ED , aramidex 0.5 mg every 4th day , dostinex , at 0.5 every 3rd day.
Holy Cow. Can I borrow 20.00How's the 50mg of proviron working out for you? When running high Mgs I like to toss proviron in there at 50/100mgs ed
well i like Proviron , some how make me look hard most of the time tired to use it up to 100 mgs but my prostate screams , so i lowered it again , at least till i get some saw palmetto
as i ran out and can't find any at the moment.

and the cost is nearly nothing btw , so you can have anything you want :)
My TRT year round.

Then in a few weeks I'm starting another 4 week oral cycle:
Dbol - 40mg ED
Anadrol - 50mg ED
Adex - 1mg EOD
running test E 1000 m.g , Sustanon 500 m.g , EQ 500 m.g , Deca 500 m.g , proviron 50 m.g ED 10 weeks so far , just started slin last week 8 U.I at the moment , couple of days more and i will be up to 10 U.I pwo 3 weeks more and will lower Test E to 500 m.g will drop the sustanon and add test p 200 EOD , tren ace 100 m.g EOD , EQ 750 m.g will try to reach 20 weeks and see how it goes , also will add some IGF towards the end with Clen and T3.
also i am running nolva 20 mg ED , aramidex 0.5 mg every 4th day , dostinex , at 0.5 every 3rd day.

Thats a pretty healthy dose there, your not wanting to throw in any GH.

I am pretty lame now days just some igf for me.
well i would love to have some GH , but the problem is 200 U.I cost more than the whole gear in that cycle. so i am saving for it for the next cycle , planing to get 1000 U.I and see how it goes
Cruising on 300 test e a week for a while now and MC IGF. Still undecided on my next run, but It'll probably 600/700 test e and 600 deca for 12 weeks and finish off with four or five weeks of tren a 75 EOD.
Picked up where my last one left off. 900mg of test Cyp and 900mg of Deca. I'm also doing 100mcg of MC IGF pre workout. I feel fantastic