Just started working with Heinz...


New member
I am excited to see where Heinz can get me in the time I will be working with him. So far things have been great, he's responded to all my emails (there has been a lot. heh) and put together a program that i'm excited to work.

I will put up some pictures on monday and keep updating this thread with my progress.

My stats, i'm 5'7 180 lbs, been dieting for a long time. I started around 210 and 22%bf. I will be calipering myself as soon as the calipers get here in the mail.
Tonyd your in good hands bro working with Heinz! Please try to keep a journal here if you can so we can all see ur progress brutha
It's good to get reassurance that I made a good decision. I will keep this updated with my progress for sure.
It's good to get reassurance that I made a good decision. I will keep this updated with my progress for sure.

Yeah bro you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone say anything otherwise about heinz
very good. about 240lbs now!

That's awesome, it was your first concern getting big and in good shape and I guess you are not happy, now you want to be bigger right???
I am very happy I could help.
Thanks brother!!!

Here a couple a pics. I really don't like how i look right now so this is a little hard but it will give you a good idea where i'm at.


dude you can shredd that body up no problem! Nice frame to work with and you just need to cut the baby fat. Looks to me like Heinz has an easy one to work with if you ask me, as long as you actualy listen and put in the work i see no reason you cant be shredded hard

Yeah, i'm going to be 100% committed to everything he wants me to do. So far so good, started the diet on friday and had my first workout of his program today and it went really well.

I am excited to see where I end up. Thx for the words of encouragement Presser, certainly something that sets this board a part from other communities.
It is an easy job, you think it is difficult because you were trying by yourself but if some one is coaching you that person sees the problems and mistakes from a different view and you just don't need to think, just relax and fallow instructions and let the my magic work.
The glycemic index on your former diet was too high and now with the changes on the nutrient sources of my program your body will get rid off the fat and exess of water ... That simple.
With the hit program you will become Strong and freaking big!!!
It is an easy job, you think it is difficult because you were trying by yourself but if some one is coaching you that person sees the problems and mistakes from a different view and you just don't need to think, just relax and fallow instructions and let my magic work.
The glycemic index on your former diet was too high and now with the changes on the nutrient sources of my program your body will get rid off the fat and exess of water ... That simple.
With the hit program you will become Strong and freaking big!!!

lmao, magic! Send some of that Magic over here,lol, I might need some black magic or voo doo actualy,lol.

Heres the real secret to getting shredded dont tell anyone:cardio:

Just wanted to make a quick update. Things are going well, getting all my meals in, getting the time in the gym in. I will be putting up some pics tomorrow.

So it's been a little over a week working with Heinz. So far things are going well. His training style is a lot different than what i'm used to so last week was kind of an adjustment period. The diet is going well, got the meals in, the only cheating I did was a glass of milk and a blueberry muffin. I only got one cardio session in so a little disappointed with that.

So the goal of this week, get the meals in and no cheating. Make sure to hit the weights hard and get plenty of rest. Get in 3 cardio sessions no matter what.

I think i'm going to hold off on the pics for another week. Heinz wants them every 15 days so I will just post them here the same day I send them to him.