Knots after shots


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Damn guys guess the older I get the more of a pussy I get

anyway just started a cycle last week 750mg of test E and 250mg of deca a week-I'm getting these fucking knots from the shots...happened in the past but not from test E only from prop and sust

only been doing this shit for almost 20 years...took the last 2 years off from the gym and cycles to let my body heal and I was being lazy

any advice aside from the usual-Advil, heat the oil up before injection, heating pad and massage, antihistamine 20 minutes before shot, inject slow

teach an old dog a new trick :cry:
Does it turn red hot and swollen? Or is it more of a bruised knot feeling... if that makes sense

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Also.. what's your pinning schedule. I may be able to help. I can't stand PIP and I don't get it anymore

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So you have been around a while and know all the tricks like warming up the shot before you inject, injecting very slowly and in my opinion never shoot over 2 cc in on spot. Everytime that I loaded up a rig and ran 3cc I would get pip. cut it back to two shots and 1.5 to 2 cc and not problems.
only going 1cc per shot, 4 shots a week

one in each delt and one in each quad

thinking maybe it's because it's been 2 years since I've done anything and the muscles are trying to get use to it???
I can definately help..but i gatga know.. Are they red hot and swollen 24hrs after injections? Or are they just a dull bruised feeling?

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I'm interested as well, both my glutes have seen literally hundreds of shots and I just started and damn both sides sore as fuck!
Now and then I do a "bad shot" that results in a sore lump. However, my biggest problem is that I like short esthers, and it is harder and harder to find spots to pin that aren't loaded with scar tissue.
Well. Scar tissue is from poorly made and filtered compounds. It's from the use of too many solvents.

I can tell you what is going on if you can tell me if it's red hot and swollen.. or just a bruised feeling.

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no redness no fever not hot to touch
just a knot...gear is dosed at 250mg...had knot before from EO and prop not the case this time
no redness no fever not hot to touch
just a knot...gear is dosed at 250mg...had knot before from EO and prop not the case this time
Is this Test you're running thats dosed 250mg? If so it's a solvent issue.

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Going to try to vent if that doesn't work gonna toss it. Suppose to be human grade, tested, etc

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My guess is it's because of your long time off the gear. Give it a few weeks.

Can't give it a few weeks out of injection sites they're all swelled and knotted up
If it's Test 250 you've got a bad recipe. Is it made with GSO?

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Doesn't say the percentage of BA or BB

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Guess you get what you pay for. Only cost over $80 for a 10mL vial