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As I'm adding cardio back in, I'm a bit worried I'm going to overtax my legs.

I've been doing no cardio, and added a day in a couple weeks ago. I used to have tues as a day off, wed as legs, and thurs as a day off. I added cardio in thurs, and this week I added it in tues as well.

What do you guys think? I really like my daily splits other than that, so I'm a bit hesitant to change it!
Oh, the cardio in question is 20 minutes of interval training (hr between 140-175+) on the cross trainer (eliptical).
I look at it like this, unless you are lean enough to get by without it cardio is a must. I think you are competing soon, so you may have no choice. Believe me I feel your pain brotha.
I don't think I am lean enough to keep out the cardio! 13.93% body fat, 12 weeks and 2 days out!
Take it to the track....20min 2x per week -sprint 220yds, walk 220yds etc-It wil help build your leg mass as well..Try it!

Takes care of cardio/fat burning and can be considered a leg day as well!
I've done that before, and it kicked my ass! I loved it! Actually, I've done it both time based and distance based. The distance based is better - more rest time! :D Last time I did it, though, I ended up with a nagging quad strain
That has been my cardio for the last @ 3years-since I play a lot of explosive sports(football,2 man volleyball, hockey) on a weekly basis it come in handy there as well.
Go with 20-30 3x a week, It doesn't really over tax your legs that much. Besides it keeps your heart in shape pumping all that blood.
1bigmus - I just want to know how someone from stl can pull for the illini?
hey man I am hitting 20mins every day but leg day I am going to up is by 5mins every other week untill the week of the show

so far I only hit it preworkout but I am thinking about doing a split 6weeks till the show at that time I am only doing 5mins warm up and the rest later that day ! hope this helps !

PS I am taking some pics this weekend 12 weeks out ! and every 2 weeks after that untill I am 2 weeks from the show

by the way I am back up to 204lbs as of today but still down from 210lbs
Her is how you should run cardio according to me lol....run it first thing in the morning on empty stomach and then wait 1.5 hrs to eat. If you arent lean enough then run it again after you workout. Only do it 30 min at a time at 75% max heart rate...good luck you got my email addy if you need any more help!
Al-The way I look at it is like this, if you need and want it your legs can handle that and 100 times more to be thrown at them. I agree with the other bros BG and midW and 1big you definately need to work them and you can go w/o the extra day off.

Put it to you this way if your mind can handle it then your body will endure the pain and I do not believe it is harmful to occasionally extremly over tax your body and muscles.

High school or college level.
Seperates the men from the boys. My guess is your no where near that level of exertion so go ahead and pump it up a few notches and an extra day a week.

Your body will believe what ever your mind tells it. If you tell it wow that was a great leg day/back day/ chest day/ etc your body will agree, but it is laughing at you, becuase your body knows that your mind could have pushed it a lot harder.
incrediblebulk you sound allot like my drill instructor from the marine corp at the time I thought he was sadistic but i believe you are right most people rarely push their limits our bodies are made to handle extreme workloads don't let your mind stand in the way pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body
I think you guys might be missing Al's point-as he increases his cardio,he's watching his legs shrink and wondering if he's overtraining-check out his pics and that will answer your Q's as to his intestinal fortitude!!-Hey Al-gotta do the cardio-5x per week like Midwtchamp suggested,you can rest after the show-leanest guy wins-don't think about it-don't worry-just do it and get
shredded-lean first,size second-Train Hard-Eat Clean-Win!!