Looking for a name for my supplement store.


New member
Hey guys, it's been quite some time since I've posted on here. I'm opening my own supplement store next door to a local gym in the coming months and I still don't have a solid name. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance guys! Now, if only I could sell IGF-1 at my store without pissing anyone off :-)
I'm looking for something that will appeal to everyone. At first I was thinking something along the lines of X-treme Supplements but then I'll scare away all the older folks who want general wellness supplements and vitamins ya know?
I'm looking for something that will appeal to everyone. At first I was thinking something along the lines of X-treme Supplements but then I'll scare away all the older folks who want general wellness supplements and vitamins ya know?

The Supplement Outlet , I own the .com but its a good store name, or Supplement Shack if its down the shore area "shack" works like crab shack and what not lol

Supplement warehouse , Just Supplements, Nutrition Warehouse or outlet or whatever, General Supplement Center (GSC)
When I had my store it was named Nurti-Sport Supplement Warehouse, it was a chain.....but then I brought tanning beds in and changed it to Nurti-Tan.....I was going to open a Max Muscle but the demographics customer wise is very limiting, like you said you don't want to scare anyone way...plus bodybuilders are usually broke.....
I like Pressers idea of Supplement Shack, or Nutrition Shack......Supplement Outlet, Nutrition Zone were others names I kicked around......
My buddy who passed away had a kick ass store named "the supplement zone" his Tshirts had the ( bulls eye target, landing zone circle) as the logo, it was pretty good store and design