My DNP log

You need to be getting in a lot of water. DNP is a hard on the body so get in the water or you will become dehydrated. If what you have is real, you should be sweating balls.
Thanks for the advice, I do drink at least 4 liters of clean water a day. Can't take it anymore - just does not fit)) Sweat very much, you drink all the necessary drugs and vitamins to support health. At the moment I finished the course. Body temperature still is high - 37.4 Celsius. Question - how soon will take excess water from under the skin?
After you're done with cycle? About 5 to 10 days

after my 2 cycles I think i rather just stick to hard work and diet. Makes you feel bad and not get good workouts. Pumps are not existing and that's the part I like about lifting. I didn't get bad night sweats but did feel hot all day and I find it uncomfortable. Will I give dnp a try again? Maybe but I highly doubt it
I don't know how you manage to get 500 mg per day.. I was on 250 and was okay. 350 was hot and uncomfortable. I could have gone up to 500 but I hate feeling hot and prefer cooler feeling.. if you don't see any scale changes DO NOT up the dose. Just keep it the same or you can cause issues even death. At that does I wouldn't do it past 15 days.

high dose short cycle low does long cycle.. after you're off stay off for a month
I will clarify (sorry, difficulties with translation) - You think that low dosages for a long time are more effective, right?
I probably agree .. But, I have a situation - me, to get a job as an aerobics instructor)) urgently needs to lose a few pounds of fat. That's all.. )
I finished the course of DNP, there were no problems with dosages - I felt well. Diet. And the body weight has not changed, that's the problem, you know? I can see veins through my skin, but my skin is thick .. Is it water? In 5-10 days, when the water is gone - I will post here my photos - BEFORE and AFTER ..
Thank you! )