my tits are leaking


New member
I try to get bloodwork as often as I can but it doesn't always happen how i'de like. I just want to start off by saying estro and prolactin can be a tricky bitch.

I was running about a gram of Test E, 700mg's of Tren Ace, 525mg's of NPP and some anadrol/halo leading up to my last powerlifting meet. I usually use a low dose of Aromasin always because AI's make me weak and feel like shit if I use too much so I drop them completely for about 2 weeks leading up to a meet.

After the meet, I immediately started up my aromasin again, dropped the Test down to 500, dropped the orals, and dropped the tren. The tren I dropped shortly after the rest. Right after I dropped the tren I noticed my right nipple hurting a bit. There was a little swelling under the nipple. not that bad though. At this point i'm on 500mg's of test and 300-400mg's of npp. After a week my right nipple starts to feel a little better, I think okay good it's going away. I've basically done all this shit before and have been fine.

Last night I got the bright idea to squeeze my nipple and a combination of fucking brown and clear shit started coming out of it. FUCK! I was appalled. So obviously my estrogen got high enough to let the pretty high dose of 19 nors also get my prolactin pretty high. High enough to start fucking lactating.

What I find is odd.. Even though my prolactin is obviously high enough for me to lactate, my dick has absolutely no problems what so ever. It always works perfect. If anything it's actually seems to be oversensitive. Meaning I seem to bust a nut quicker then I usually would. WTF, I thought it was supposed to be the opposite of that. No matter what issues I've had with high or low I can't use my dick is any type of a gauge as to what my hormones are doing because. I wonder if I just experience the opposite. When prolactin gets high in some people they get deca dick, but in my case my dick actually just gets oversensitive. I mean it works like a champ i'm just cumming a lot quicker then I would like.

Can the oversensitation somehow be a result of any of this, I wonder? Because it's not normal for me, but yet it also doesn't seem to be a normal side effect of high prolactin, something I obviously have.

I have some Caber on the way, but after reading about Dean having problems with it i'm honestly a little scared to use it. Still running my normal dose of Aromasin. I do have some nolvadex as well. Like I said, i'm running 500mg's of Test and 400mg's of NPP. Should I run all three ancillaries together? I'm a little worried about using the nolva with the npp. idk if that's just a myth though. I read a study saying nolva does nothing for prolactin induced gyno.

I'm not really worried about any of this. like I said, if anything my dick works TOO well.. my nipples look fine, other then being a little puffy, it's not obvious gyno yet. although I can feel the gland being a little swollen underneath. Note, I've had the gland swell up and get very painfull before from tren, then it went back down. so it doesn't mean its permanent. although at that specific time I never tried to milk myself.

Your thoughts?
I havr heard of using Mucuna Pruriens/Velvet Bean to lower prolactin levels. Should be available locally.

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Also you can try Benadryl. Not sure how this will work in a male but my wife and other people she knows took it to dry up their milk after they stopped breastfeeding.
Go to the store and buy a couple bottles of Vitamin B6. It HAS to be Pyridoxine HCl , no other kind will work. Mega dose it at 300 mg AM and then 300 mg PM . Caber ended up fine for me at super low doses. Like 1/4 of a pill. The Megadose of B6 will lower effect your dopamine which will drop your prolactin levels. Here is what to keep in mind though, it is not just about which hormones , but their balance. So make sure no matter what you keep E2 rock bottom. Your E2 and your prolactin had to be high to make you lactate. Also final note, ICE THE CRAP OUT OF IT. Anytime you can sit and put ice on it do it. If you can walk around with an ice pack compress on each nipple then do it.
Big bump....I'm not going to give much opinion. I will say I don't get "deca dick" from 19 nors. I have heard of others that work better on 19 nors myself included.
I know decongestants with ephedrine will dry up the milk. But as you know you need blood work and anti-p sooner than later. Good luck

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Go to the store and buy a couple bottles of Vitamin B6. It HAS to be Pyridoxine HCl , no other kind will work. Mega dose it at 300 mg AM and then 300 mg PM . Caber ended up fine for me at super low doses. Like 1/4 of a pill. The Megadose of B6 will lower effect your dopamine which will drop your prolactin levels. Here is what to keep in mind though, it is not just about which hormones , but their balance. So make sure no matter what you keep E2 rock bottom. Your E2 and your prolactin had to be high to make you lactate. Also final note, ICE THE CRAP OUT OF IT. Anytime you can sit and put ice on it do it. If you can walk around with an ice pack compress on each nipple then do it.

Thanks so much for this dude. About a year ago I used to take Vit B6 as an insurance policy against prolactin when I was running tren cycles. I read a bunch of stuff saying that it really does make a difference in lowering it. I'm not sure what happened, I guess I just ran out of it and absolutely forgot about it since then. But YES, that's exactly what I need to do. i'll go grab some tonight.

And thanks I will try icing them as well.
That must be why I sometimes have a "premature" problem! Ya! My dick works TOO WELL from my continuous use of Deca! I can't help too much with the lactating thing. In all honesty I have some weird thing where squeezing shit out soothes me. You know those videos where you see Doctors or whoever draining those cysts?? It's sick and I know it sounds like a disgusting freak fetish, but when I have bad anxiety and can't sleep I will watch one of those and it totally kills my anxiety and puts me to sleep. I think there is some underlying correlation with the idea of forcefully expelling nasty shit or something.
What I'm trying to say is I would milk that fucker for all its worth and then sleep like a baby for 15 hours. That's just me
DO NOT MILK IT! LMAO , but seriously that will make it way worse.
Prami cleared it up for me in both nips, and fairly fast.

You like it because of the dopamine and oxytocin release. Which increases the prolactin. It is not a neg feedback loop like most systems we are used to. The more lactase that comes out the more you will make. YIKES!
Well I've been loading up on Vit B6 like you said Dean, 300mg morning and 300mg evening. Pharma grade caber just came in so i'm going to start that. I don't like that caber has the potential to cause heart valve problems. What most people don't realize is that studies showed that the majority of people who were effected by these heart problems from caber were also parkinsons patients, who are also given up to 40x the dose of caber. So it's within that dosage range that was causing problems.

I opted not to go with Prami because apparently it's addictive and you can go through withdrawal. I have a buddy who said his mind was really fucked up for a few days. Even it it's not that bad, I don't want to take that chance.

I might actually cut the .5mg caber tab in half and start there just in case. I'm on some other medication and just super paranoid about an interaction even though WebMD and says there are apparently no interactions.
Well I've been loading up on Vit B6 like you said Dean, 300mg morning and 300mg evening. Pharma grade caber just came in so i'm going to start that. I don't like that caber has the potential to cause heart valve problems. What most people don't realize is that studies showed that the majority of people who were effected by these heart problems from caber were also parkinsons patients, who are also given up to 40x the dose of caber. So it's within that dosage range that was causing problems.

I opted not to go with Prami because apparently it's addictive and you can go through withdrawal. I have a buddy who said his mind was really fucked up for a few days. Even it it's not that bad, I don't want to take that chance.

I might actually cut the .5mg caber tab in half and start there just in case. I'm on some other medication and just super paranoid about an interaction even though WebMD and says there are apparently no interactions.

.5 is a great dose to start, don't be afraid to try 1mg though. Best time to take it is right before bed, as caber should make you tired. I found that I could lower my Anti E a little when I added the prami. I really feel like the Anti Es effect me more than anything, but I really need them because my nips get knotted up fast . Shit hurts to touch. Prami and it is gone in one day.

I would stick with .5 ED and 600 mg of b6 until it clears up and then drop to a maintenance dose.