need some help ! got a infection


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ok guys i've infection in my leg! i started draining it with a 25g and pulled out 5c so far keep at it /? or go see a dr. ? its not hot, but it hurts a little to walk on it...
holy shit bro....5 cc and u wanna kno if u 'shud' go to tha doc? HELL YEA.....even if its not super serious u shudnt diagnose urself with sumthin this serious....go to ur doc n tell him watz up.....
Bro you can go septic if you don't get this treated. If it gets in your bloodstream you will be in serious trouble. Go to an er or go see a doc as soon as you can. I was just thinking and a woman we know had an infection that got in her blood stream it got in one of her heart arteries and now she has congestive heart failure from an infection bro. Be careful.
thats what i was going to do... kool thanks so dont drain it anymore? lol this is not the first time , 3years ago same thing,, drained it and was fine , but hey better be safe then sorry...
Bro you can go septic if you don't get this treated. If it gets in your bloodstream you will be in serious trouble. Go to an er or go see a doc as soon as you can. I was just thinking and a woman we know had an infection that got in her blood stream it got in one of her heart arteries and now she has congestive heart failure from an infection bro. Be careful.

ohhh shit..... thanks im going tomorow mornig
definitely might need antibitiocs to fix it. say you injected b12 or something.
ok guys went to see the doc today, and it was a she ,and i told her what i did and she looked at me like i was nutzz ,, i told her i drained 7c's last nite. she was kool about it ,she said i did half her work,,lol then gave me some antibitiocs and just told me to be more carefull.
ok guys went to see the doc today, and it was a she ,and i told her what i did and she looked at me like i was nutzz ,, i told her i drained 7c's last nite. she was kool about it ,she said i did half her work,,lol then gave me some antibitiocs and just told me to be more carefull.

Very good to hear!!!!!
Awesome deal man glad you got it taken care of. She didnt give you a lecture or anything haha? Ive always dreaded going to the doc for that reason and having to tell them the truth but gotta do what ya gotta do. glad your getting it handled.
npp sust prop i dont think it was the gear, ive been runnig this stuff for a while and this happened on the last c....i had a pin i used to pull it out the bottles , i think i might of left it laying out,, or might of been the home brew prop... who knows , but kind of sucks not knowing...
As the doc ,, she was freaked out but was kool .. The only thing she really said something about was my blood pressure 143 over 90
yeah infections will make your blood pressure go up. prolly have headaches too from bp

npp sust prop i dont think it was the gear, ive been runnig this stuff for a while and this happened on the last c....i had a pin i used to pull it out the bottles , i think i might of left it laying out,, or might of been the home brew prop... who knows , but kind of sucks not knowing...
As the doc ,, she was freaked out but was kool .. The only thing she really said something about was my blood pressure 143 over 90