new injury!!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Last night i did chest. for the past few months ive been doing my flat bench with a very wide grip, and ive been responding to that very well. i love the way it feel and my chest has been alot fuller.

well last night i started out with incline barbell press and i always take a standard shoulder width grip, and last night i switched it up and i took a very wide grip like i do flat bench.

on my last set i was inclining 305, and my fourth rep i put the bar down to my chest and my side delt tore, i heard a slight velcrow like sound and i quickly racked the weight.

my shoulder hurt like hell all last night, but this morning there has been no bruising and i can move my shoulder all around like nothing happened. but the thing is, is that its really really sore.

so my question is, did i tear my side delt or did just strain it? it still hurts pritty bad.

this is my first injury and im pissed at my self for letting it happen
sounds like a strain bro if their wasnt any bruising and u can move it, only thing is the sound u heard does sound like a tear, but im guessing its a strain and maybe you heard ur ligaments
would exray show anything? what should i do?

im really bummed out man, ive never had this happen. i just started my cycle, just put a damper on every thing.
An X-ray would only show broken bones, but an MRI would show any muscle tears or that kind of thing. But, they are pricy. Bout $500 usually. Hope you have good insurance.
yeah i have really good insurance, it will no problem. thanks guys for the input and help.

should i take a break on my supplements or should i keep pounding away on weights while laying off the shoulders?
If it doesn't look any different than it's probably just a strain. Take some time and let it heal then work you're way back up. I used to get these a couple times a year on the side where I ruptured my pec. I bought an ultrasound machine from LGmedsupply and now very rarely get even the slightest twinges. I also recover about twice as fast.
I wouldn't stop training altogether, but I'd definitely train smart keeping in mind that you did injury that shoulder. And the wide grip really puts strain on the shoulder (too late to inform you of this now). You might not want to go wider than shoulder width on incline or decline bench anymore. It's fine on flat bench, but those others will cripple you
I wouldn't stop training altogether, but I'd definitely train smart keeping in mind that you did injury that shoulder. And the wide grip really puts strain on the shoulder (too late to inform you of this now). You might not want to go wider than shoulder width on incline or decline bench anymore. It's fine on flat bench, but those others will cripple you

i been getting such good results with wide grip on flat i couldnt resist. i feel like such pussy.
thanks fellas for the help, i really appreciate it. hey Dude how much did that equipment cost you? did you need some sort of training to help you use it?

im running MC igf at 100mcg ever day with sutonon 1200 mgs per week, eq 600 mg per week and tren 400 mg per week.

you think if i keep hitting it i can recover from this quickly? or like big n wv said, stop training all together for a awhile?
Big n wv didnt say Stop stop traijing altogether, he said he wouldnt stop training

also im with the_dude , i think its a strain and i would let it rest and heal a little before u run out and get an mri, its prolly not a tare bro from the sounds of it
Big n wv didnt say Stop stop traijing altogether, he said he wouldnt stop training

also im with the_dude , i think its a strain and i would let it rest and heal a little before u run out and get an mri, its prolly not a tare bro from the sounds of it

thanks man, na thats my bad. didnt mean to miss quot any body. i really appreciate the advice.
ya my bad Big n wv, didnt mean to miss quot. im just at work, ready and typing fast. thanks again guys
thanks fellas for the help, i really appreciate it. hey Dude how much did that equipment cost you? did you need some sort of training to help you use it?

I want to say for the personal one I got it was only $150. No special training just plenty of the gel and low setting and keep moving it all around the area. I do up to 3 times a day 15 minutes each time to help with an injury. If I feel a little off or something is nagging me kind of like a pre injury feeling, I'll do 15 minutes on the area for a couple days. It's really the best injury rehab or prevention thing out IMO.
Wow I thought ultrasound therapy was deemed useless in promoting the healing of muscles by nearly all of the medical community. I had no idea it was still used or that even people were still claiming any benefit(s). (Though chiropractic swears by it.)

Not talking shit, just pleasantly surprised to hear this.

I hope you do give it a shot and report back your results.

Good stuff here
How are you feeling. Is it still swollen? Im with them. If no bruising it may not be torn. Usually a tear allows blood into the area and you get big time swelling and bruising.
Wow I thought ultrasound therapy was deemed useless in promoting the healing of muscles by nearly all of the medical community. I had no idea it was still used or that even people were still claiming any benefit(s). (Though chiropractic swears by it.)

Not talking shit, just pleasantly surprised to hear this.

I hope you do give it a shot and report back your results.

Good stuff here
Its more so used for healing tendons/ligs. I had bad bicep tendonitis, had an MRI done. The MRI showed an aggravated tendon, but no tear/rupture. Then the doc sent me to physical therapy (all they did was ultrasound my arm) about 7 times, and my arm was good to train again. With the cost of the co-pays I could have bought my own machine and done it myself. Now I know, and one is on order right now! Its a great investment, especially if your gonna be lifting heavy
Where do you pick these up? Do you have to get them online or does Walgreens happen to sell them? I wouldn't think Walgreens would have them in stock, but figured you might be able to order and pick it up there