Oshkey's IGF + a couple other things log.

Strength is starting to kick in now...I mostly do about 3 sets of close grip with 225 for 6-8. got 265 2 sets for 6. gotta love it!

i also gained .5lbs since last post. lol
thanks bro! I hope yours gets better!

224.5 as of this morning. Hopefully, i can find someone at the gym today that will not grab my wrists to spot me when doing db chest presses..
new update.


I believe I've only put on about 2% bf and have not done a lick of cardio since i started.
Taking in about 5200 cals a day with a 40%c/40%p/20% fat macro split.

so i'm happy so far, i think the IGF might be helping out alot.

also, strength gains are very solid.
Awsome bro, so what was the total weight you put on of lean muscle do u think? and about how much fat do u think u lost? % wise?
well, i'm not done yet! haha, only at week 6 so i still have 6+ weeks, might run the tren longer and i'm going to run the igf for another month or so, maybe longer.

haven't lost fat b/c i'm just trying to gain as much as possible, but if anything after doubling my calories i've put on 25lbs and maybe 6 is fat. no water weight gain that is noticeable b/c i'm still vascular as hell and i think the igf/prop/tren are keeping that off.

i forgot how much i loved this stuff lol :)
thats awesome! looks like you'll come damn close to hittin the wieght mark you wanted!

I thought your abs looked great in the pictures. You did say that you wanted a full 6-pack from what I saw you have it. I think you would probably like having a more muscular midsection. Try doing cable crunches and hanging leg raises being sure to rotate the hips up as you raise your legs. Do abs EOD, this should build them right up.

BTW, very impressive results thus far. I think that you should take new measurements and pictures and post them. If and when I can get everything together I plan to do a very similiar cycle.
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alright, so i might as well update this since it's been almost a year. haha.

stats after finishing cycle. 15% bf, 233lbs

8 months later dieted down naturally to my weight now of 223 (also didn't do cardio)and whatever my bf% is..getting it checked tomorrow. pics attached are now.

new cycle.

dbol 50mg ed 1-4or5 weeks
sust 650mg wk 12wks

my goal with this is to lose bf and gain muscle. i'd like to end up at 233 again but leaner than i am now.

just started my cycle last week, so i'll keep this updated.

cals - 3800 workout day. 3200 non-workout day
macros - 50%p, 35%f, 15%c
been about 1.5weeks. dbol is starting to kick in since i get pumps from typing.
weight is at 226, no bloat, sodium is under 1500mg.
2.5wks in, weight 234, still no noticeable bloat, pumps are ridiculous, i think my forearms just got pumped typing this lol