Post Cycle Plan


Gold Member
I'm thinking that I might run some IGF1 and insulin along with nolva to help keep my gains. What do you guys think of this:

5 weeks of:
IGF1 Long R 30mcg per day 5on 2 off per week.
Insulin workout days post workout start off with 2iu work up to 6 iu if possible.

Run nolva for 4 weeks post cycle; start with 50mg the first week then 25 the next two weeks. then ~10mg the 4th week.

Nolva supposedly causes a decrease in IGF1. Would it be a waste of IGF1 to run nolva at the same time or will there still be a positive balance of IGF1 to help me keep my gains or actually increase gains? Also IGF1 increases sensitivity to insulin. What would be a max dose of insulin be while running the two together? Hopefully by post cycle I'll be in the 180 lbs range.

Thanks for any info!
Here is some info on tamoxifen and IGF:

Effect of tamoxifen on GH and IGF-1 serum level in stage I-II breast cancer patients.

Mandala M, Moro C, Ferretti G, Calabro MG, Nole F, Rocca A, Munzone E, Castro A, Curigliano G.

Division of Medical Oncology, European Institute of Oncology, Via Ripamonti 435, 20141-Milan, Italy. [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: Tamoxifen suppresses insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) plasma levels in early and advanced breast cancer patients. Relationships between tamoxifen (GH) and IGF-1 are complex and not completely described yet. The present investigation was performed to evaluate the effect of acute and chronic tamoxifen administration on GH response to growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), as well as on IGF-1 serum levels. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Evaluation of GH after administration of GHRH was performed (a) at baseline, (b) 3 hours after 20 mg oral administration of tamoxifen and (c) after 12 weeks of 20 mg a day oral tamoxifen treatment, in fifteen postmenopausal stage I-II breast cancer patients. IGF-I was measured at baseline and after chronic tamoxifen administration. RESULTS: The GH response to GHRH was significantly reduced after 12 weeks of tamoxifen 10 mg administered twice a day orally (mean peak 3.2 +/- 0.2 micrograms/l, mean AUC 261.3 +/- 18.2 micrograms/minute p < 0.01 versus basal AUC). A concomitant significant reduction of IGF-1 was observed after 3 months of tamoxifen treatment. Basal pretreatment levels of 113.2 +/- 15.5 micrograms/l were suppressed to 70 +/- 7.9 micrograms/l (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Our study confirm the inhibitory effect of tamoxifen on IGF-I and suggested, as shown in previous in vitro data, that its suppression could be directly related to GH reduction in response to GHRH stimulation.

PMID: 11299809 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Still I doubt that it would noticably effect your gains from the IGF-1 you'll be taking. I've used slin before, but never in combination with IGF-1. starting at a low dose and seeing how you respond and working up is smart. Have you used slin before?
Also you may want to just use the igf by itself for the first week to get used to it, ,since it has been shown to cause hypoglycemia even without insulin-use:

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I) is structurally similar to insulin and shares many of its biologic properties. We compared the short-term metabolic effects of recombinant IGF I (100 micrograms [13.3 nmol] per kilogram of body weight) and insulin (0.15 IU [1 nmol] per kilogram) in eight healthy volunteers (four men and four women). The hypoglycemic responses to both hormones were nearly identical in the doses used. The lowest blood glucose levels were reached after 30 minutes: 1.98 +/- 0.44 mmol per liter after IGF I and 1.78 +/- 0.29 after insulin. On a molar basis, IGF I was only 6 percent as potent as insulin in the production of hypoglycemia. Insulin also inhibited lipolysis more effectively than IGF I. Levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone, glucagon, and cortisol responded similarly to both agents. The hypoglycemia produced by IGF I is probably due to the supraphysiologic concentrations of the free peptide that result from its rapid intravenous injection. Fifteen minutes after injection, the serum level of IGF I increased from 144 +/- 38 ng per milliliter at base line to 424 +/- 56, of which 80 percent was free in the plasma (not bound to IGF carrier proteins). The determination of whether any of the short-term metabolic effects of IGF I have any clinical application will require further investigation.
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Great info machine!

I have not used slin before, but I wanted to try it soon to help keep gains and put on a little mass. I also have not used igf1 before so I should probably use each one individually before doing both together. Maybe I'll pick up the IGF1 for now and see how my gains are going. If need be I might pick up some humalog and try it at very low doses 2-4iu. I wouldn't want to go hypoglycemic though.

Any personal experience on using both together would be great...
Jaywooly, for the rest of this year I'm going to be doing 8 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Switching to short half-life drugs at about week 6 and then during the off cycle period using:

30mg/day Long r3 IGF-1
40mg/day tamoxifen
6iu HGH 5 on/2 off
5-10iu slin
Machine - Any reason to use both hgh and IGF1 Long r3?

Do you think the HGH (HGH releases IGF1) will down regulate the IGF1 receptors and cause the IGF1 R3 to be ineffective or since HGH releases regular IGF1 it wont cause any tolerance to IGF1 Long R3?

Just curious about that...

It seems like a good off-cycle plan and I want to do something similar except for the HGH for now. I'm almost 21 and I don't know if the HGH will have a huge effect on someone of my age.

I'll probably run IGF1 Long R3 for 5 weeks post cycle with nolva at 35-40mcg per day 5on 2off or perhaps 30mcg ed for 5 weeks. I'll do the math and see how far I can stretch 1mg.
Actually a good friend of mine does this between his cycles and the guy is much bigger than me. He has been up to 230lbs. at 5'6. Anyways when speaking to most people that have used gh, they tell me that the most beneficial thing is not losing any gains between cycles, which is my main goal not to lose any size between cycles this year.

As far as hgh down regulating igf-1 receptors and that affecting IGF-1 Long r3 intake, I will say it sounds doubtful. When using testosterone one of the primary ways it increases muscle mass is by increasing IGF levels.

1: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997 Nov;82(11):3710-9 Related Articles, Links

High dose testosterone treatment also increased serum insulin-like growth factor I concentrations by 21% and 34% over those during the eugonadal and hypogonadal states, respectively (P < 0.01).

Which is why I beleive high doses of test are recommended when using hgh since the increased IGF levels caused by testosterone effect proliferation of satellite cells, wouldn't using IGF itself have a similar effect as using high levels of test for that reason.

1: J Appl Physiol 2000 Oct;89(4):1365-79 Related Articles, Links

IGF-I restores satellite cell proliferative potential in immobilized old skeletal muscle.

Chakravarthy MV, Davis BS, Booth FW.

Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.

One of the key factors responsible for the age-associated reduction in muscle mass may be that satellite cell proliferation potential (number of doublings contained within each cell) could become rate limiting to old muscle regrowth. No studies have tested whether repeated cycles of atrophy-regrowth in aged animals deplete the remaining capacity of satellite cells to replicate or what measures can be taken to prevent this from happening. We hypothesized that there would be a pronounced loss of satellite cell proliferative potential in gastrocnemius muscles of aged rats (25- to 30-mo-old FBN rats) subjected to three cycles of atrophy by hindlimb immobilization (plaster casts) with intervening recovery periods. Our results indicated that there was a significant loss in gastrocnemius muscle mass and in the proliferative potential of the resident satellite cells after just one bout of immobilization. Neither the muscle mass nor the satellite cell proliferation potential recovered from their atrophied values after either the first 3-wk or later 9-wk recovery period. Remarkably, application of insulin-like growth factor I onto the atrophied gastrocnemius muscle for an additional 2 wk after this 9-wk recovery period rescued approximately 46% of the lost muscle mass and dramatically increased proliferation potential of the satellite cells from this muscle.

PMID: 11007571 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

So I think that high doses of testosterone are recommend for use with hgh since the increased igf-1 levels increase satillate cell proliferation which increases muscle mass and that substituting igf-1 for test would have a similar if not greater effect and help me retain or even gain muscle during "off" periods. I might be competely off here though as I'm not as smart as basskiller. :(
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