Precontest cycle's -What is your idea's on this ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
With the NPC season coming up on us, very, very fast. There are a few of us doing the spring shows this upcoming April, May and June shows. So I tought I would put this thread out there for us to learn from, and see what everyone's idea is for running precontest gear for a show. I'll start first and then everyone else can chime in from there....

For me, in the past and this year, my gameplan is this, I like to run the final phase about 6 weeks, I have always found this to be idea, as it really give the body enough time to really harded up, and get that dry, grainy look. But, not to long to have the body start working in reverse, and start to fight you, as the body can only do one thing for only so long. Thats why when you see guys compete in one show and look great, but just get beat by a few points, then come back to a show, that is 6-8 weeks later, but look flat, and totally off. Well that could because the body started to fight what they wanted to do with it, it could be diet, cardio, supplements, gear, ect, ect. You just dont know, its hard to pinpoint cause there are some many variables to the equation. Thats why if your going to do back to back shows, you need to have enough time to change up the cycle, and actully maybe go backwards for a few weeks, to give the body a reason to go forward again, when the time is right. But, that is a totally different subject altogether. So here finally is what I think is a good precontest final phase gear program.

Last 6 weeks

Test Prop or Susp. 100mg to 200mg EOD or 100mg ED (if suspension)
Tren Ace 50mg to 100mg EOD (dose depends on level of AAS use)
Masteron Ace 100mg EOD
Winny V (oral dose) 20-40mg ED or Inj. dose 50mg to 100mg EOD

I would run these compounds all the way up to the last week. The test prop or suspension could be stopped at a week out (7 days) but if your not holding water weight, then run it all the way up to the final days. Same with Tren Ace and Mast. Ace. The Winny V oral would run right up to the day of the show.

Other items to think about, is the proviron and novadex combo, the final 2 weeks before the show. I personally have done this with good sucess, and you will notice your body, getting a harder, grainy look within a few days of starting this combonation. Start the Proviron at 50mg ED for 5 days, then up to 75mg for 5 days, then the final 4-5 days do it at 100mg ED to the show. Then Novadex is ran pretty much a simular way, start at 20mg for 5 days, then 30mg for 5 days, then the final 4-5 days 40mg all the way up to showtime. I've seen guys run these compounds at much higher doses, but I honeslty believe this is plenty. Also, since your running Arimadex or Letrozole you might not even need to run them that high or even at all. It really depends on your body type, and how much water you hold. Or if you just need the extra edge and hardness. But, give it a go, if you think it could help you out.

The final thing to think about is HGH and how close to run this up to the show. If your running a lower dose say, 2-3 iu's then you could run this right into the show, to help keep your fullness. Some people believe that if your running a higher dose say, 5 iu's + (up to 10 iu's ED) then yes, you will have to lower the dose or cut it out, a few days out, and use a diuretic. I personally like to run it up to about a day out or right up to the day of the show, at a lower dose like 3-4 iu's. I dont feel like it makes me hold much water, if any at all. Plus, if your using a diuretic, then any water you might hold can be cleared up with that. But, again, everyone is different and its one of those things you need to play around with a few weeks out to see how it effects you.

Hope this helps, and best of luck this year...
Sounds like a good plan to me. I obviously have never competed, but I always wondered about where most guys were as far as gear in their system on stage. I know water retention is something you really have to watch so I was just curious as to whether you tapered off or down really low or just stayed on like say 500. Looks like about where you would be with test 350 to 700 range.