PSL: An honest review

I found out what is causing the tinting issue. The supplier of the crystal clear synthetic oil ran out of stock (they are in the process of increasing their production capability) and so PSL had to shift to using a traditional oil. I am in the process of finding out exactly what type of oil that is, just so everyone knows. I will post it when I find out, hopefully sometime Thursday (which technically is today for me, but I consider it tomorrow since I have yet to go to bed). So there is nothing wrong with the different colors. I wish PSL would never run out of the synthetic, but it happens from time to time.

I am sorry about the communication has become harder since PSL is no longer a sponsor here. I am WAYYY too low on the totem pole to know any details and most likely could not share them even if I did know. I like it here, so I am going to stay even if PSL is not here. Anyone with issues with PSL can still PM me about them and I will do whatever I can to help out.

I had to pass MMAJake off to my boss once things got to a certain point because it went past anything I could do for him. After that, I am helpless. Sorry to everyone for the issues.

Communication was never an issue for me, you and the other rep were always helpful. My issue was only with the quality of the gear nothing on your end personally
William Llewellyn has developed a steroid test kit that you can buy but that's all I know about.

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Thanks for the additional info Cybrsage. So if this is the case, we really need to know what type of "backup" oil is being used now in these batches. But you are saying that the quality is exactly the same??

I have another question....PSL is a authorized reseller for EP. Isn't the product coming directly from EP?? Maybe I am misunderstanding PSL's role. Is PSL doing any of the lab work themselves?
Thanks for the additional info Cybrsage. So if this is the case, we really need to know what type of "backup" oil is being used now in these batches. But you are saying that the quality is exactly the same??

Yes, same high quality, just not fully synthetic and just a tad thicker (I think - I have actually never received any of the backup oil. I am awaiting the reply to what type of oil is used.

I have another question....PSL is a authorized reseller for EP. Isn't the product coming directly from EP?? Maybe I am misunderstanding PSL's role. Is PSL doing any of the lab work themselves?

That is another great question and one I will also ask. You are keeping me on my toes! :)
Do you know what the best way to go about getting the gear tested would be

William Llewellyn has developed a steroid test kit that you can buy but that's all I know about.

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There is also labmax, but it only shows if the drug in question is actually present, not its concentration. So it is great to see if anavar is real, since if someone is going to fake it they would not make half the pill anavar and half something else, that is too difficult to would either be all anavar or none.
You mentioned about the non-synthetic oil being thicker. That may be true, at least with what I am seeing with the T400. Drawing it even with a 23g takes a bit...
It is most likely cottonseed oil or sesame seed oil since that is what is most often used by pharmacies and compounding agencies. Both of them were thicker than the synthetic oil we normally use. I have not yet heard exactly what type of oil is used but I will definitely post it as soon as I do so that everyone knows.
I think PSL has always had quality product. It would be stupid for them to put out an inferior product. They are definitly not the cheapest, but if quality is high that is what I want.

Bottom line is that I am willing to pay more for high quality stuff, if they start putting out junk they will be gone in a blink of an eye.
I think PSL has always had quality product. It would be stupid for them to put out an inferior product. They are definitly not the cheapest, but if quality is high that is what I want.

Bottom line is that I am willing to pay more for high quality stuff, if they start putting out junk they will be gone in a blink of an eye.

then don't order their sust-I won't order from them ever again
Usually the reason the same products have different color oils and different pip, or feel like they vary in strength is because a lot of these under ground labs who ship from different areas who have different reshippers overseas and domestic usa, well the products are being made by the reshipper and they are just slapping on the label themseleves, its much easier for UG labs to ship their labels all over the world to their different shipping areas, and have their products made in that region by that crew and then shipped out. It is much harder for an under ground lab to make all of their products in one spot and then ship the premade vials all over in bulk to their reshippers regions, as its more risky then to just have each region make their own products with their own powders and the main lab off shore just ship them the labels and any custom caps and what not to pop on the vials .

9 times out of 10 this is why products vary in strength, in color, and post injection pain, and in sterility.

I of course can not say this to be the case with the lab in question here in this thread PSL. I can only tell you that this is how it is usually done.

This is also why when guys buy domestic gear, it is most always different then the over seas gear even if its suppose to be the same exact product. Its just much easier to get powders into the united states and make the gear here and ship it domestic after the main company ships their labels to the domestic person who made the gear for them over in the states. The main source over seas is not going to try shipping into other countries where they offer local shipping and risk losing hundreds or thousands of vials every once in a while.

this also shouldnt be a problem as long as the reshipper knows how to make sterile gear, but we are talking about money, and when money is involved, corners are cut, why wait for the synthetic oil and lose sales when you can use oil from the local supermarket and just tell people that the gear was cooked to long which is why its tinted different then others. Again I am not saying thats the case here with purity source labs but this is generally the case with most i said earlier though its not a big deal as long as that reshipper knows how to make clean good gear,but you never know i guess.
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whoever brewed the shit I got my hands on gave me a fucking abscess-hopefully the antibiotics work
ordered it back in Dec took it 5 days ago

everything was good with them but the product-I ran it through a whatman, so I know it wasn't dirty

ran sust plenty of times in the past and never had a problem till now-ran T400 and Test 525 and didn't have this kind of problem
ordered it back in Dec took it 5 days ago

everything was good with them but the product-I ran it through a whatman, so I know it wasn't dirty

ran sust plenty of times in the past and never had a problem till now-ran T400 and Test 525 and didn't have this kind of problem

How did you feel about the potency of their products ?
I've had good luck with them so far. Just got some new stuff, so we'll see how that works out. Have to say this shipment was incredibly fast. From order to door in like a week.
Got all EP gear. Only thing that's weird to me, the proviron, winny, var, and nolva all look identical. Every other time I've gotten winny it's been yellow, and var was blue. Seems EP makes everything the same little white tabs.

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Dorian....thanks for your input on this topic. Are you currently running T400 now? And if so, was it from PSL / EP? I actually just started that myself. My first 3 hits was from the new clear bottles and it was yellow tinted. No PIP. But after my second order came in and I saw the variations, I started to question. So when it was time for the next dose, I used the white label bottle that is the original stock (came in the second order) and that oil was crystal clear. Zero PIP....I actually do feel a little soreness with all hits the next day, especially in the delts....but I only shoot T400 in the glutes and it felt like I didnt even pin. So I will continue with this bottle and see how it plays out.

I will say this....since I have been back on, my strength has gone up. I only went back on the first week of May, so it is still very early. But here is my protocol because as much I think something is not right with the current PSL stock and I do need to take into account what the brothers on here are saying about quality and potency, I do what to share my experiences.

I am front loading and kick starting this current cycle.....

Week 1:
100mg Test Prop - 3x/Week
150mg NPP - 3x/week
20mg Naposim (Romanian Dbol) - ED
400mg T400 (Cyp & E) -2x/week


All stays the same except I bumped the Naps to 40mgs ED

My plan is to run the Dbol for about 5 weeks and after 4 weeks or so, stop the Test Prop / NPP combo since the Prop was only to kickstart while the t400 kicks in. Then the plan is to add in Primo and VAR with the t400.

Now I am using my older PSL stock from a Jan 2016 order (white labels - domestic). Since I started, I am noticing strength increases. Now one could say its the dbol, or one could say its a combo of everything. Now in my previous short cycle of just Prop and NPP, I did notice strength increases. Now I cannot compare against other gear/labs and who's to say what gains I should be making with this combo/dose. For all I know, I am doing OK, but could be even better with better gear. I dont know. I am feeling stronger for sure. I do want to try out this PHARMACOM lab though.

At the moment, I am torn with the current PRIMO I received from PSL since 3 vials are clear and 3 are tinted like Jakes....and I need to make a move quick since that will start in the rotation pretty soon. So that is my dilemma now.