PSL: An honest review

I have been running the Sust 500, but moving to the T400 since that bottle is empty. What is the expiration date and / or lot number on your Sust (if you still have it) and your T400. I will check mine and see if I have the same run as you. If so, I will let you know what happens when I use it.
Lab testing these drugs can be a very difficult process. Most labs would not even touch an anabolic steroid. Llewellyn's old Body of Science forum used to test drugs. They used a lab in Holland that had a liberal attitude towards these type of drugs. The cost was far more than the price of the drug. That is why most guys just get their testosterone level checked by an online test company that uses Lab corp. As to an anabolic steroid showing up, that probably won't happen. Although I have seen some lab testers that offer this service. Cost was high.
The former moderator of the Body of Science forum by the name of Ronnie, now runs a site and they do lab testing. But not real often.
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Also their communication dwindled to an alarming rate, shit like that usually doesn't change unless something changes......
Also their communication dwindled to an alarming rate, shit like that usually doesn't change unless something changes......

This is mostly due to PSL not sponsoring the site any more, so I am basically the only guy left here. I stayed because I like it here and do not want to leave. I have not been around much due to having surgery on my neck a few weeks ago, but I plan on being here more often. While I am not officially a rep here, I can still help out as much as I am able to from my "low man on the totem pole" status.

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Any updates on the oil?? Many days passed and you would think PSL would want to resolve this....

I think that the fact they haven't make even a slight attempt to resolve this speaks volumes.......

I have the urge to just lie and guess as to which of those two oils it most likely is...but I am not going to do that. I am still trying to find out am a little saddened by not being able to find out yet. But trust me, as soon as I know I will post it here, you guys deserve that info.
Bro I am talking about personal emails from months back now. Dude PM me if you are real.

This is mostly due to PSL not sponsoring the site any more, so I am basically the only guy left here. I stayed because I like it here and do not want to leave. I have not been around much due to having surgery on my neck a few weeks ago, but I plan on being here more often. While I am not officially a rep here, I can still help out as much as I am able to from my "low man on the totem pole" status.

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I have the urge to just lie and guess as to which of those two oils it most likely is...but I am not going to do that. I am still trying to find out am a little saddened by not being able to find out yet. But trust me, as soon as I know I will post it here, you guys deserve that info.
I believe that it was Mike Arnold who introduced PSL to this site, and he raved about the quality of the products. I never tried any PSL products though.
I believe that it was Mike Arnold who introduced PSL to this site, and he raved about the quality of the products. I never tried any PSL products though.

From the reviews I've read it seems that the quality was at one point of a high standard.
I can say that I all but exclusively use PSL products. I also will honestly say that if I notice a drop in quality that is not addressed quickly I will jump ship and no longer represent them anywhere. My personal reputation is too important to me to do otherwise.
I finally heard back about the carrier oil type used, it is grape seed oil with no essential oils added. So it is GSO with no EO. I was also told that nothing else is being made with it as the synthetic oil is fully back in stock and should not have any issues with it running out again.