Push's Cycle Log

Keep it up Push!!!
Thank you for your Journal!
Seeing what u doing helps and what u eating too.
I can show my wife photos of food and say babe, this is what we need to eat. Showing her what the final product looks like cooked helps. Then showing her what the work u putting in does with that food, what u doing helps in alot of ways brother!
Have a blessed Sunday with your family brother!

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Keep it up Push!!!
Thank you for your Journal!
Seeing what u doing helps and what u eating too.
I can show my wife photos of food and say babe, this is what we need to eat. Showing her what the final product looks like cooked helps. Then showing her what the work u putting in does with that food, what u doing helps in alot of ways brother!
Have a blessed Sunday with your family brother!

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I really appreciate you taking the time to write those words.
I try to post anything about my cycle or training that I think might be interesting to others.
Posting some of what I eat and my macros, helps keep me honest with my diet.
I'm really glad that it could have a positive impact, and help anyone make better dieting and/or eating choices.
Again THANK YOU, reading what you wrote made my day!

- - - Updated - - -

Back session at the gym after work tonight.
Stiff arm pulldowns 4x12
Cable pulldowns neutral 4x12
Cable low row underhand 4x12
HS iso lat row 1x15, 3x10
HS iso lat low row 3x12
Machine pulldowns wide 3x12
HS standing shrugs 4x15, 1x20

Calories 4022
Pro 283
Carbs 394
Fat 126
Didn't get as many calories in as I would have liked....
Tomorrow is work all day, so a forced rest day.
Chest day in the garage after work.
Flat bench press 2x15, 3x10, 3x5, 2x8
Incline bench press 1x15, 3x8
Incline DB press 3x12
Wide grip flat bench 3x8
Close grip press 3x12

Calories 4447
Pro 299
Carbs 459
Fat 137

Legs tomorrow.
Keep it up brother! I don't post in your log much but I look at it. I follow every post.

I am around 190 I am trying to lean up and am slowly! Someone asked me other day, that I was 194 a few weeks back ! Lol
I told him I been fluctuating between 189-194. Fella couldn't understand why I have been on test 750 Deca 500 and mast 750 and my weight stayed same! I said because I am not trying to gain weight that I am trying to get completely lean and hold muscle.
I told him I often stay Same weight on scale but losing bf staying same weight means gaining muscle!
He thinks u just take steroids and grow like a weed!
I also told him that my goal was to be between 186-192 at 9% or less. And how I wasn't gonna let myself gain fat that way again for awhile!!!

I thought of you brother I even mentioned u, I said look @Pushtoday he has had I body composition that is grand and he hadn't gained much weight!!!
Those of us who are content with being lean and gaining muscle but only if we stay lean understand this.
I told him that I know what the reality is of my genetics and at 40 my health us important and over 200 at 5'9" I am not comfortable!!!
It blows me away what some guys think!!!

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Keep it up brother! I don't post in your log much but I look at it. I follow every post.

I am around 190 I am trying to lean up and am slowly! Someone asked me other day, that I was 194 a few weeks back ! Lol
I told him I been fluctuating between 189-194. Fella couldn't understand why I have been on test 750 Deca 500 and mast 750 and my weight stayed same! I said because I am not trying to gain weight that I am trying to get completely lean and hold muscle.
I told him I often stay Same weight on scale but losing bf staying same weight means gaining muscle!
He thinks u just take steroids and grow like a weed!
I also told him that my goal was to be between 186-192 at 9% or less. And how I wasn't gonna let myself gain fat that way again for awhile!!!

I thought of you brother I even mentioned u, I said look @Pushtoday he has had I body composition that is grand and he hadn't gained much weight!!!
Those of us who are content with being lean and gaining muscle but only if we stay lean understand this.
I told him that I know what the reality is of my genetics and at 40 my health us important and over 200 at 5'9" I am not comfortable!!!
It blows me away what some guys think!!!

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It's funny to me that until I really learned about gear and proper dieting, I was one of the people that believed If you take gear you just keep getting bigger and bigger. I too just wanted to be "bigger", but now i'm at a place where I just want to maintain a certain "look". Of course I still want to add more lean muscle. But I try to be patient so I can add it slowly without losing the lean muscular look.

- - - Updated - - -

Today was Leg Day.
All sets were done rest pause.

Leg extensions rest pause 1x15/10, 1x12/8, 3x10/6
Seated leg curls rp 4x12/8
Hack squats rp 2x12/8, 1x10/6, 3x8/5
Leg press rp 1x20/15, 1x15/10, 3x10/5
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 1x10/8, 1x10/8, 1x12/10, 1x12/10

Calories 4181
Pro 253
Carbs 490
Fat 108

Up early yesterday then a long ass day at work.
Got home and decided to get in a quick garage session.
Shoulders and Triceps.
Seated rear flyes 1x25, 1x20, 3x15
Seated DB shoulder press 1x20, 4x12
Standing side lateral raises dropsets
SS: standing DB front raises w/ DB skullcrushers 1x15/20, 3x15/12
Seated French Press 4x15
Barbell skullcrushers 4x12

Had my shake, ate some pizza then crashed.

Yesterday's Weight 181
Calories 4052
Pro 267
Carbs 390
Fat 138

Today is Back and Biceps.


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Back and Biceps today.
Stiff arm pulldowns 4x10-12
Pulldowns neutral grip 4x10-12
HS Iso low row 1x15, 3x10
HS iso row 1x12, 4x8-9
HS standing shrugs 4x12, 1x25
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x15
Low cable curls 1x12, 1x15, 1x10, 1x15
Seated hammer curls 3x8-10, 1x12

Calories 4509
Pro 240
Carbs 567
Fat 124

Post Workout meal again today:


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Yesterday was a quick Chest session in the garage before work.
Incline bench press 1x20, 3x15
Flat bench 1x15, 1x12, 4x8, dropset 1x8/6/10
Incline DB press 1x15, 1x14, 1x12, 1x12

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 4288
Pro 254
Carbs 466
Fat 139

Today I hit shoulders in the garage after work.
Bent rear delt flyes 1x25, 3x15
Seated DB shoulder press 1x20, 3x10-12
Standing side laterals dropsets 4x12/10
SS: seated rear flyes w/ seated front raises 3x15/10
SS: DB shrugs w/ upright row 3x15/12

Today's Macros:
Calories 3549
Pro 255
Carbs 316
Fat 124

Tomorrow is leg day.

Today was leg Day.
All sets were done rest pause.
Lying leg curls rest pause 1x15/10, 3x10/7
Leg extensions rp 1x12/8, 3x10/6, 1x12/8
Smith squats rp 4x10/7
Leg press rp 1x15/10, 3x12/8, 1x20/10
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 1x14/10, 1x10/7, 1x10/9, 1x10/7, 1x17/13

Calories 3978
Pro 270
Carbs 401
Fat 117

I had to drop the anadrol.
I started it on 3.29 at 50 mg ed. and on 4.8 I upped it to 75 mg ed.
I've had 3 nosebleeds in the last week and what seems like a neverending dull headache.
I've also noticed that it puts me on edge, more aggressive, pissed off all the time, and just overall an asshole.
Soooo the drol is out.

Currently running: (all PSL)
Test E 500 mg a week
Test P 100 mg eod
Deca 500 mg a week ( a week or two left )

Today was leg Day.
All sets were done rest pause.
Lying leg curls rest pause 1x15/10, 3x10/7
Leg extensions rp 1x12/8, 3x10/6, 1x12/8
Smith squats rp 4x10/7
Leg press rp 1x15/10, 3x12/8, 1x20/10
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 1x14/10, 1x10/7, 1x10/9, 1x10/7, 1x17/13

Calories 3978
Pro 270
Carbs 401
Fat 117

I had to drop the anadrol.
I started it on 3.29 at 50 mg ed. and on 4.8 I upped it to 75 mg ed.
I've had 3 nosebleeds in the last week and what seems like a neverending dull headache.
I've also noticed that it puts me on edge, more aggressive, pissed off all the time, and just overall an asshole.
Soooo the drol is out.

Currently running: (all PSL)
Test E 500 mg a week
Test P 100 mg eod
Deca 500 mg a week ( a week or two left )

What are your plans now for the summer bro?
Do u plan on transitioning to something else or cruise a bit then?
I am on masteron deca test
The mast I feel like it stopped my gains but I fought an injury.
I am gonna change something I am feeling better finally can lift enough weight and gotta lean up.
I am around 190
I get lean around 184.
I have prop and need more tren a though
I have till June then I will cruise on Sarms and trt dose. Bloods in July.
I have been doing around 50 mg test suspension pre-workout and it's helping with focus and pushing. What I am afraid of is tren does me like drol was doing u!

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What are your plans now for the summer bro?
Do u plan on transitioning to something else or cruise a bit then?
I am on masteron deca test
The mast I feel like it stopped my gains but I fought an injury.
I am gonna change something I am feeling better finally can lift enough weight and gotta lean up.
I am around 190
I get lean around 184.
I have prop and need more tren a though
I have till June then I will cruise on Sarms and trt dose. Bloods in July.
I have been doing around 50 mg test suspension pre-workout and it's helping with focus and pushing. What I am afraid of is tren does me like drol was doing u!

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My current plan (which almost always changes ) will be to keep bulking until beginning of may. Then start a mini-cut to be leaner for summer family vacation towards the end of june. I'll add tren ace into the mix and probably low dose winny/var.
The drol just completely f^cked me up brother, many apologies were necessary to my friends and family.

When I recently ran tren I slowly ramed up the dose until I found my sweet spot. Started at 50mg eod and went up to 100mg eod, I ended up settling on 80 mg a day. I could handle the sides ok at that dose.

Busy week for me so far.

Quick Back session before work.
BW pullups 6x10
Bent barbell rows 1x15, 4x10, 1x20
DB low row 4x12
DB high row 4x10

Thursday Macros:
Calories 3797
Pro 245
Carbs 389
Fat 114

Yesterday was Arm session after work.
Close grip press 1x15, 3x10, dropsets 1x10/10, 1x15/15
SS: DB curls w/ seated French press 4x15/15
SS: Standing alt. hammer curls w/ DB skullcrushers 3x10/12
Ez bar curls rest pause 1x15/10, 1x12/8, 1x18/12

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 3875
Pro 255
Carbs 374
Fat 151

Today was leg day:
Lying leg curls rest pause 1x10/12, 3x15/10
Leg extensions rp 2x15/10, 3x12/6
Leg press rp 1x20/10, 1x15/10, 3x12/8
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/12, 1x10/8, 1x12/8, 1x15/12
Machine calf raises dropsets 1x10/8, 1x10/8, 1x12/12

Macros will be decent today, I already have over 3700 calories in.
Tomorrow is a Rest Day, work first then Easter Dinner with the fam.

Pic is after Arms last night.


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My current plan (which almost always changes ) will be to keep bulking until beginning of may. Then start a mini-cut to be leaner for summer family vacation towards the end of june. I'll add tren ace into the mix and probably low dose winny/var.
The drol just completely f^cked me up brother, many apologies were necessary to my friends and family.

When I recently ran tren I slowly ramed up the dose until I found my sweet spot. Started at 50mg eod and went up to 100mg eod, I ended up settling on 80 mg a day. I could handle the sides ok at that dose.

That's what tren does to me. I get irritable and u know how that goes...
I love my family too much and being that way hurts me too.
I like your plan.
I stopped deca last Tuesday adding
tren a at around 50 a day changing to mast prop at 100 a day test prop at 50 a day and proviron at 50 a day
We going on vacation in June 3-10.
By June I wanna be cut around 8% and will just cruise on trt and Sarms for awhile maybe low gh or peptides.
I had a full blown heat stroke last summer. I was around 7-9% for years. After that heat stroke my body countered a had water and fat gain and higher bp.
Getting back lean. They say it takes a long time to completely get to normal after that. It was 2nd in 41 years.

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That's what tren does to me. I get irritable and u know how that goes...
I love my family too much and being that way hurts me too.
I like your plan.
I stopped deca last Tuesday adding
tren a at around 50 a day changing to mast prop at 100 a day test prop at 50 a day and proviron at 50 a day
We going on vacation in June 3-10.
By June I wanna be cut around 8% and will just cruise on trt and Sarms for awhile maybe low gh or peptides.
I had a full blown heat stroke last summer. I was around 7-9% for years. After that heat stroke my body countered a had water and fat gain and higher bp.
Getting back lean. They say it takes a long time to completely get to normal after that. It was 2nd in 41 years.

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I like the idea of low dose tren with sides you can manage, family and friendships are too important.
Prop, mast, and proviron sounds like a solid plan to me.

Now about the heat stroke, what can you do to ensure you don't have another?

Chest day in the garage after work.
Incline bench press 1x20, 4x15, 1x20
Flat bench 4x12
Incline DB press 4x12
Wide grip bench press 3x12
Close grip bench press 3x12

Calories 4007
Pro 253
Carbs 378
Fat 145

I'll try to get a quick shoulder session after work tomorrow.

I like the idea of low dose tren with sides you can manage, family and friendships are too important.
Prop, mast, and proviron sounds like a solid plan to me.

Now about the heat stroke, what can you do to ensure you don't have another?

I put alot more potassium in my diet.
Alot of suggestions from MC here.
Dried apricots, coconut water, water and taking breaks.
Next time I am heat stressed I will not go to work like I did. I also had did phlebotomy blood donation that week.
If u got any suggestions I am all ears.

We have safety meetings every morning before work begins. It had been getting to me one day after another. I had cold sweats and chills hypothermia symptoms night before and like a fool I went to work next day and had service call. Being mechanic big diesel engines get hot and it was 100 degrees with engine prolly 190 degrees.

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I put alot more potassium in my diet.
Alot of suggestions from MC here.
Dried apricots, coconut water, water and taking breaks.
Next time I am heat stressed I will not go to work like I did. I also had did phlebotomy blood donation that week.
If u got any suggestions I am all ears.

We have safety meetings every morning before work begins. It had been getting to me one day after another. I had cold sweats and chills hypothermia symptoms night before and like a fool I went to work next day and had service call. Being mechanic big diesel engines get hot and it was 100 degrees with engine prolly 190 degrees.

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Brother, I wish I had some brilliant advice to help make sure you don't go through that again.
But I don't have a clue other than listen to your body and now you know what the precursors are and have felt them, so just stay aware and do the right thing.

Shoulders in the garage after work.
Seated rear flyes 1x15, 3x12
Standing side laterals dropsets 3x12/10
Seated DB shoulder press 3x12
SS: DB shrugs w/ upright rows 4x15/10
Standing bent rear flyes 3x20

Calories 4075
Pro 280
Carbs 413
Fat 103

Weight 181
Leg Day tomorrow.
Leg Day - All drop sets.
Lying leg curls drops sets 1x15/8, 1x12/8, 1x12/8, 1x15/7
Leg extensions ds 1x12/8, 1x15/10, 1x12/8, 1x10/8, 1x12/10
Hack squats ds 1x20/10, 1x15/10, 1x15/10, 1x20/10
Leg press ds 1x20/15, 1x20/15, 1x15/10, 1x20/6/12/20
Seated calf raises ds 1x17/10, 1x13/9, 1x12/8, 1x12/8, 1x18/8

Calories 4249
Pro 215
Carbs 514
Fat 118

Last pin of deca was yesterday.
Still running Test E 500mg a week, test p 100mg eod.

I'll switch it up in a couple weeks to lean out for summer vacation with the fam.
Test C 400mg a week, either switch to sust or stay with prop. plus Tren A 50 mg eod.
Lose dose winny 20 mg a day and low dose var 40mg a day.

Tomorrow will be a rest day or quick arm session in the garage.




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Long day at work today, so no training.
Weight 181
Calories 3703
Pro 238
Carbs 362
Fat 117

Back day tomorrow, arms will have to wait til Saturday night.